Evocity Laws: Any attempt to commit a crime makes you a criminal 1. Murder The act of killing a player will always lead to a jail sentence, intentional or not. 1.1.(1) Whosoever commits murder under the conditions of this provision shall be liable to imprisonment or death sentence. (2) A murderer under this provision is any person who kills a person for pleasure, for sexual gratification, out of greed or otherwise base motives, by stealth or cruelly or by means that pose a danger to the public or in order to facilitate or to cover up another offence. 1.2. Whosoever kills a person intentionally without being a murderer under section 1.1. shall be convicted for manslaughter and be liable to imprisonment. 1.3. Whosoever through carelessness causes the death of a person shall be liable to imprisonment. 1.4. Posing a threat to a citizen or government employee will get you arrested and possibly imprisoned. Mugging, kidnapping, hostage-taking or any kind of unlawful detainment of an individual is illegal and will be liable to imprisonment. 2. Firearms and dangerous objects Breaking the following laws will lead to a jail sentence. 2.1. Publicly displaying a firearm or any sort of melee weapon is prohibited. (This means you may have them legally concealed on your property.) 2.2. The possession of fully-automatic firearms is against the law. If the police spot you with one, they may arrest you and jail. 2.3. Discharging firearms in public is strictly against the law. 2.4. The act of purchasing or merchandizing firearms and/or sharp objects is allowed as long as it takes place in a legal store (property). (1) Selling weapons according to military standards is not allowed even if you do it in a legal store unless you have a license from the mayor. 3. Illegal property, substances and suspicious activity. Breaking the following laws result in a jail sentence depending on the rule. 3.1. Illegal substances - Growing, storing, selling or buying any illegal substances is against the law. Illegal substances include marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, LSD, magic shrooms, etc. 3.2. Driving a stolen vehicle is against the law. 3.3. Boarding up windows with fences/props is classed as suspicious behaviour. The police may walk into your house and inspect your property. They do not have permission to go into rooms that are locked at the time. 3.4. It is not allowed to enter someone's property without permission. 4. General Evocity laws The following laws are pretty straight-forward. Breaking them will result in a fine, ticket, arrest or imprisonment. 4.1. Resisting arrest - Attempting to escape an officer when seen breaking the law will only make you wanted, thus increasing your inevitable jail sentence. 4.2.Whosoever takes something belonging to another with the intention of unlawfully acquiring said objects for oneself or a third party shall be liable to imprisonment. 4.3. Evocity property damage - The destruction or damaging of public and private property is against the law. 4.4. Breaking and entering - Breaking into and trespassing on private property is against the law. 4.4. Traffic laws - Speeding, crossing red lights, ignoring traffic signs and clearly disobeying road markings will earn you a traffic ticket. Repetitive offenders will be detained by police and possibly jailed and impounding of the car 4.5. Drunken and/or reckless driving - This form of vehicle usage can be hazardous to pedestrians. Police may ticket/arrest you for breaking this law. 4.6. Improper/illegal parking - You may only park on designated parking spots, unless in an emergency/when pulled over by police. The sidewalk is not a parking lot. 4.7. Disorderly conduct/Anti-social behaviour - Causing a nuisance to the public is illegal. For example standing in the middle of the road delaying traffic. Peeping on private property is also an anti-social behaviour. 4.8. Harboring a fugitive - Helping a wanted individual to escape or hide from the police automatically makes you an accomplice. 4.9. Probable cause - If an incident involving murder, discharge of firearms, or discovery of illegal substances takes place at a private property, the police have the right to obtain a warrant and break down the door if necessary. Trespassing on an active crime scene is against the law. 4.10. Fake calls will make you wanted for questioning. When using the emergency services, give a location, reason and describe the situation if you can. Paramedics do not have to respond in a timely fashion if they don’t know the importance if the emergency. 5. Self-defence 5.1. (1) A person who commits an act in self-defence does not act unlawfully if in compliance with the law and must cooperate with authorities as necessary. (2) Self-defence refers to any action that is necessary to avert an imminent unlawful attack on oneself or another. (3) Attempts to involve police must be on record by the defender to prove his/her innocence definitively. 5.2. A person who exceeds the limits of self-defence out of confusion, fear or terror shall not be held criminally liable. 5.3. A person who, faced with an imminent danger to life, limb, freedom, property or another legal interest which cannot otherwise be averted, commits an act to avert the danger from himself or another, does not act unlawfully, if, upon weighing the conflicting interests, in particular the affected legal interests and the degree of the danger facing them, the protected interest substantially outweighs the one interfered with. This shall apply only if and to the extent that the act committed is an adequate means to avert the danger. Jail Times: Murder: 10 min manslaughter: 5-7 min Taking hostages: 5-10 min Theft: 2-4 min Malicious injury: 3-6 min Careless injury: ticket Indecent behaviour: 1-2 min Reckless driving: ticket Punishments can be increased if the criminal commits a crime again.