arma reforger review

I enjoy reforger even now(200h playtime), have about 2k hrs in A3, and now well i can see its not perfect yet, but reforger makes A4 promising for me, and I hope we will get another game that will last for many years of fun gameplay for me and my friends.
I enjoy reforger even now(200h playtime), have about 2k hrs in A3, and now well i can see its not perfect yet, but reforger makes A4 promising for me, and I hope we will get another game that will last for many years of fun gameplay for me and my friends.
i find it hard to get into and its because of the various issues the game has with the bad performance. this post was mostly a joke but i like the changes they made from arma 3, as well as the modding tools. i just hope its a lot better come arma 4