Recent content by Allen Kennedy

  1. Allen Kennedy


    I weigh about 120kg (18 or so boulders). I am fat. I know this, and I intend to attempt to lose some of that weight, and make changes to better my health and quality of life. I don't need some 5'4" 200 kilo hamplanet who can't take responsibility for their eating habits telling me that losing...
  2. Allen Kennedy

    Is this RP?

    You won't find it funny the fiftieth time it happens
  3. Allen Kennedy

    Is this RP?

    No. u get an IA for not politely asking the man to put his gun down before he starting having a seizure.
  4. Allen Kennedy

    Is this RP?

    PERP is an e-sport now. Sorry.
  5. Allen Kennedy

    Who the best player in perp?

    I'm voting super for best admin tho fr
  6. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Pull out of a car

    I'll be honest, I really don't see why we should remove a mechanic that, while a compromise for the sake of gameplay, doesn't have any kind of glaring faults, to then replace it with another menu that's gonna be clunky and shit.
  7. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Pull out of a car

    It gets reported, however having effectively no way to stop a vehicle without boxing it in or disabling it with gunfire is stupid. How is dragging someone out of a car with empty hands realistic? The door is locked, presumably. The battering ram's functionality against vehicles is a compromise...
  8. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Pull out of a car

    Which means it relies on the vehicle being stationary, or within range for long enough that the officer can operate the menu. 90% of the time, the battering ram is the only thing that can get people who break 3.4 out of a car without just shooting them to death. Removing that functionality in...
  9. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Pull out of a car

    How would this work? Would it be like the cuffed suspects menu for police vehicles?
  10. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Shared EMS xp

    If this isn't already a thing, I'd love to see it, as when I'm occasionally training a junior paramedic I try to get them to do as much as possible to get the XP, but that usually means we're not very effective. If we got the same XP then I wouldn't be encouraged to stand at the side and do nothing.
  11. Allen Kennedy


    This Mr. Dickens gentleman appears to be of substantial wealth.
  12. Allen Kennedy

    Current Server Issues

    I'd actually love that. I wasn't playing for several years around the time this was happening, and while I hear mixed things about how good it was, I reckon switching for a few weeks until the server is sorted would be a nice change of pace.
  13. Allen Kennedy

    Map Suggestion Remove puffer mart shelf headglitch Puffermarket is being revamped in V6 anyhow. I suspect those shelves are not long for this world.
  14. Allen Kennedy


    I'll be honest, I really don't care. I just can't stand the hypocrisy and the insufferable attitude of moral superiority. @Sorle literally told him to shut the fuck up in all caps and it's an infinitely better response.
  15. Allen Kennedy


    Literally yes. Being an asshole, for no reason.