Search results

  1. R3D

    Bug Report (Fire crew truck seats)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Fire crew truck seats How to reproduce the Bug: Get in the truck... Time Stamp: 22:57 GMT Errors: Drivers seat on the truck. driver is hovering in the air. Media:
  2. R3D


    Heyo, i am R3D also known as RED In game names: Chin Won Won Chin Bob Won Typically at Bazaar, Driving round as roadcrew or making graphics. Touch Grass information: I am twenty three years old, turning twenty four in September, I'm half Portuguese, half Scottish. I am an area manager for a...
  3. R3D

    R3D Staff Application!

    Application Template You must use the template in your application STEAM NAME: R3D ROLEPLAY NAME: Chin Won / Bob Won STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:69472337 AGE: 23 (4th September 2000) WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I believe that I will do a successful job at that following the rules and guidelines...
  4. R3D


    Application revoked due to change in situation. Thank you for the support
  5. R3D

    Community Suggestion Roadcrew Trucks

    Suggestion Title: Roadcrew Trucks Suggestion Description: This may have been mentioned before, i would like to suggest adding a new variation of tow truck rather than just the 'brute'. Every other job has other vehicle types/choices. I think that this would tie in nicely with the new job ranks...
  6. R3D

    Community Suggestion Employment Job Ranks / Roadcrew

    Suggestion Title: Employment Job Ranks / Roadcrew Suggestion Description: At the moment there is no job information regarding the rank structure and their benefits for the following jobs: Roadcrew This would help newer players gain an understanding for how the ranks work at the same time it...
  7. R3D

    Ban Dispute (3izu)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: 3izu How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day Your Steam Name: R3D Your Roleplay Name: Chin Won Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:69472337 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 2.5, 3.5 -...
  8. R3D

    Server Suggestion Buddy System Change

    Suggestion Title: Buddy System Change Suggestion Description: Changes i feel like would help the community. I feel like this new buddy system is a nice idea but ive ran into problems already. If people running past whilst im sorting my shop it stops what im doing and goes to the menu. When...