“Character traits” system.

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Description of the idea:
Adding a “traits” system for PERPHeads characters.

Upon joining the server for the first time, you get a “traits” menu after choosing a name.

”Traits” will be like a perks system, but for balancing reasons, Each trait will offer a perk along side a downside.

Traits can be changed at the Genetech NPC in the hospital for a sizeable fee.

A player could have a maximum of 2 traits, or a 3rd maybe for VIPs that they only access when they’re actively VIP Maybe?

Some example traits include:

Heavy handed:
Perk: Noticeable increase in punch and blunt force melee damage. Unarmed combat levels 5% faster.
Downside: Noticeable decrease in the ability to successfully lockpick.
Useful for: Levelling and having good unarmed combat skills. Allowing users to sacrifice Bobby pin efficiency for bat and fist damage.

Caffeine connoisseur:
Perk: Drinking coffee or soda gives 50% more stamina than it normally would.
Downside: More hunger loss from caffeine intake.
Useful because: Water bottles cost significantly more than coffee and soda, using this perk will make said drinks more powerful at the cost of more hunger. Users will be saving mere pennies when you take the eating afterwards aspect into account but it could be worth it.

Steady hands:
Perk: Bobby pinning becomes more effective. Faster crafting and Equipping time.
Downside: Reduced damage with fists and bats, reduced success from crowbarring doors.
Useful for: the opposite of heavy handed.

5 minute crafts:
Perk: Faster crafting speed.
Downside: Slower equip speed.
Useful for: Bulk crafting.

Ain’t got time to bleed:
Perk: Bandaging speed is 50% faster for both yourself and when you bandage other players.
Downside: You bleed out twice as fast.
Useful for: Quick bandaging, being an org combat medic, etc.

Big hearted:
Perk: 50% bleedout time.
Downside: Slower bandaging speed.
Useful for: vice versa of above, being able to stay alive longer in combat before bandaging.

Stress eater:
Perk: significantly Faster health and stamina regen when full
Downside: Regen stops completely when your hunger bar hits “hungry”.
Useful for: boosting regeneration with the catch that you’ll be spending more on food.

Strong bones:
Perk: Less likely to become crippled from fall damage, being shot, or attacked in the legs.
Downside: Slower movement speed when crippled.
Useful for: Making it harder to become crippled at the expense of being crippled being more of an annoyance to you.

I’ll think of more, maybe suggest your own below?

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Allows better character building and customisation
- Allows players to balance out what they want at the expense of having Downsides.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Intense dev work needed.
- Could be abused.​