Adjustment to 12.14 - Right of way

Reaction score
39.007238, 126.281624
Following law should be changed:

12.14 Right of way​

Where not overridden by road markings, signage or other such signals, vehicles must give way at intersections and junctions to vehicles approaching from their right.
When leaving a parking space, road users must give way to any vehicles approaching them.

Infraction - liable to $2,000 maximum fine.
Misdemeanour - liable to $3,500 maximum fine and asset forfeiture if the violation of this law has resulted in a severe collision with another vehicle that was driving in accordance with this law.

Although the Right of Way law has filled a somewhat loophole within the traffic law section of the Penal Code, there are still some loopholes to be filled. For one; at this moment, you do not have to give way to other vehicles when leaving your parking spot. This should be fixed with this adjustment.

Furthermore, anybody causing an accident with both cars tiered would be charged solely $2,000 for violating this law and with no right for the handling LEO to impound the vehicle (ofc, if you ignore 12.12, which you should as it solely serves as a failsafe for such cases, on which you shouldn't rely on in daily fashion). The addition of the collision clause should give handling LEOs the ability to charge the individual causing a crash as a result of violating 12.14 a higher amount of money and to impound their vehicle (a clause that should be added to every traffic law imo).
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