Reaction score


How it works:
Online auctions:
- An auction lot, along with a photos of the item, will be posted here.
- To place a bid, simply comment on the thread of the item, with the amount you wish to bid
- Upon winning, it will be announced, and you then provide your phone number. You will be contacted via your Paralake phone number with a text, requesting the agreed payment.
- Failure to pay the Agreed amount will result in a temporary blacklist from partaking in the next 3 auctions.

In person auctions:
- An auction house will be rented.
- You then attend the auction.
- The highest bidder wins.

Wish to auction an item? How to do so through us:

Fill out this form:

Phone number:
Item(s) for auction:
Description of item(s):
Desired base price:

I agree to the terms of Bronson's Auction house.

Your auction request will then be denied or accepted based on our discretion.


Host tax:
Payouts currently are depending on the price of the item:
Final bids below $2499 will be taxed at 50%.
If the final bid on an item is below $2500, we will take 35% of the final payment.
If the final bid is between $2501- $25000 we will claim 30% of the final payment.
If the final bid is between $25001- $99999, We will claim 25% of it.
If the final bid is above $100000+, we will claim 20% Commission.
Failed auctions will be charged $2000 in time and resources costs.

Attending an auction:
Attendees must face the following rules:
- Silence in the hall during the auction unless placing a bid
- No arguing
- No offensive weapons, firearms, explosives allowed inside
- No messy foods
- No alcohol in the premises that was not purchased inside the premises
- No narcotics
- No smoking near the auction area.

The auctions will work as such:
- Silence as the auctioneer describes the item
- You can only bid above the current price, a bid cannot go down in price
- Once an item is sold, it is SOLD
Entry fee's may be applicable.

Disallowed items:
The following items may not be auctioned or offered through our service:
- Offensive material.
- Chemicals
- Explosive / incendiary devices (Fireworks excluded)
- Vehicles
- People
- Living animals
- Perishable goods
- Non-material goods or services
- Buildings, residencies, and other properties
- Items that cannot lawfully be sold
- Items that do not rightfully belong to you
- Clothing

-Terms subject to change at our discretion. Active auction requestees will be notified of changes.
- You may not comment on auction threads anything other than your bid.
- No weapons will be allowed in auction halls unless you are staff for the event, or because you have placed the gun for auction.
- To auction an item through our events or website, Note that we will charge at least 20% of the funds gained from the final bid.
- By putting an item up for auction you hereby relinquish ownership of the item in our hands and cannot deny a final bid.
- False payments, bids, and offers will result in removal from the hall.

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