Line Management and Command Changes

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Paralake City

Hello all,

The office of the Chiefs of Department has changed the line management for the department, this is after some careful consideration about the roles of Majors and ensuring they are looking after a fairer amount of times and have a similar workload. A decision has been made that there will be two lines of the department, Operations Services and Administrative Services:

Operations Services - Acting Major Mim

Patrol Division

Road Traffic Unit

Tactical Firearms Unit

Administrative Services - Major Super_

People Services

Internal Affairs


Complaints Committee


The majors will have complete oversight of their teams and will be responsible for their command teams including their performance and priorities. Majors will have a responsibility to manage their officers such as completing reinstatements, resignations, and other processes. Recruitment of the Command Teams will also be completed by the Major assisted by the Command Team that are recruiting. People Services and the Complaints committee will now sit under Administrative Services, formerly known as PSD.

Expanding Command Teams

Something that has been highlighted is the number of Lieutenants we have in the department. Lieutenants are responsible for assisting with the management of a Command Team. Lieutenants are incredibly important, command teams should be working together, managing their team, and coming up with new ideas, this is only possible with a team of people. Secondly, which I feel is the most important point, the department is meant to be a community and we want people to be part of what we have created. I personally know there are a number of Sergeants who are desperate for an opportunity like this to arise and I’m hoping the upcoming recruitment will be a positive change.

Patrol, Road Traffic Unit, Tactical Firearms Unit, and Internal Affairs will be conducting recruitment to expand their command team. Each of those teams will be recruiting up to two lieutenants to ensure those teams run with 1 captain and 2 lieutenants. Both of the Majors will be directed by the Office of the Chiefs of Department to begin the recruitment process for the above-mentioned teams. I strongly urge those who are eligible to apply please do so and assist us in making some positive changes. The recruitment processes for each team may differ however the way they will be assessed will be generic across each team.

Kind regards,

People Services

On behalf of the office of the Chiefs of Department