Poll: Would you like a 'law abiding' cop life?

What do you prefer?

  • Should be full whitelist, police cannot break laws.

    Votes: 26 29.5%
  • Partial whitelist (as is now), whitelisted police cannot break laws.

    Votes: 17 19.3%
  • As it is now.

    Votes: 45 51.1%

  • Total voters


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I'm not trying to put across an opinion or coerce anyone into thinking that this would be a good idea, nor is it actually being considered officially/has ever yet been considered officially: would you prefer if the police force was:
  • Whitelisted completely, with police officers not being able to break laws when off duty at the risk of losing their job.
  • Whitelisted as it is now, where whitelisted officers can not break laws when off duty at the risk of losing their job.
  • As it is now.
I've only posted this because I wanted to see what people thought personally.

Some people spend all their time as criminal and never as cop - is there much variation in the preferences of others?

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I heavily dislike this idea, while i spend alot of time being a police officer, i still enjoy doing a good ol' raid or mug with my friends. Having to follow laws constantly even off-duty just takes a big chunk of fun away. While it does open for some things, i really don't think this will fit into perp.
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United Kingdom
I like the idea of, similar to altislife.co.uk, that cops breaking laws would be IC. For example if you broke several laws and you were found out (ICLY) you could be demoted/suspended etc. This does not include rules which must be followed. On the other hand I think only WHITELISTED officers should be able to do this as they are trusted to roleplay things properly.

On topic I think officers off duty should be able to break laws. Limited by the engine PERP has less things to do and restricting people to one life style by putting their police positions at risk wouldn't really work.

Deleted member 4084

If it were any apart from the way it is now. @Walker would've lost his job 200x over


This needs to be allowed, I want to re-roleplay a drunk cop. (Mr Lahey)
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I support this idea on a couple of conditions. I would like to see either a full whitelist or a continuation of the current whitelist whilst introducing your idea.

  • Illegal items should be harder to make a profit from- more steps before making a product perhaps?
  • There should be a few more legal ways of making money legally- I know this is something that @StephenPuffs is looking into
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Georgia, United States of America
Reminder: Looking at the statistics for vote, don't be so quick to judge that the "As it is now." is winning. Here are the ones at the time my post was made:

  • Should be full whitelist, police cannot break laws.
    17 vote(s)
  • *
    Partial whitelist (as is now), whitelisted police cannot break laws.
    12 vote(s)

  • As it is now.
    26 vote(s)

It seems on the surface that "As it is now." is the winner, when in actuality more of the server is in favor of, at the least, whitelisted cops not being allowed to break laws. Now in my opinion not only is is more RP for off duty cops to not break laws, I think it would just be more for for a lot of cops when things are full. And some people just want to RP live their of duty lives without crime while others want to commit crime, so this is what I propose:

Whitelisted police officers can apply for a special "Off Duty Badge" that they would receive when off duty, this would be a badge you could actually take out and show others. Whitelisted cops who apply wouldn't need any more qualifications (other than perhaps CPL+ if you guys want) and they wouldn't be allowed to break laws when off duty of actively enforce the law, they could only have the following additional benifits:
  • Carry an approved pistol while off duty (Provided by the officer; M1911, Glock 20, Beretta M9),
  • Handcuffs while off duty in case they need to detain a suspect,
  • Be able to have their word trusted while off duty just as a government employee's is while they are on duty,
  • Have a badge when off duty,
  • Have the ability to stop crimes in progress if the off duty officer witnessed them.

This would allow for more RP for those who want and still have room for those who want to be bad boys off duty.

Tell me what you think of this idea.
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I have seen in other serious roleplay servers the use of full whitelist for special jobs, such as a police officer, and it has worked out well. It worked out by having different characters in certain factions (Civilian, Police, Fire Service, Medics etc), although the only problem is I believe it was clockwork or nutscript, and I'm not sure if you have to pay to use it for a server.

Having different characters for different jobs can enhance roleplaying experience, and really enforce the seriousness of the server, as if you spent time on an application, going through interviews etc to be a cop, you won't really muck around, as all that time and effort will go to waste.

For example the way it worked on the other server was you first log into the server, then you created your character, choosing a name, then the faction that they will be apart of, and to start off it was civilian. But if the whitelist was successful for a police officer I would go and make a new character and assign it to the police faction.

Additionally if the server were to consider the idea of adding in characters, it would take a lot of work, but it will encourage those who come to roleplay to do it in a serious matter. Also adding onto my first point if there are certain bigger organisations, they could add a special character option to put them in that faction.

Ps. its 2 am where I am and if you don't understand anything just shoot a comment below - I just thought i'd add my own thoughts to a subject which I've had experience as a player in.