Rule Suggestion (3.4 Putting your Life at Risk)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
Suggestion Description: Make mugging more realistic.

We must acknowledge the lack of realism in how mugging puts risks unto the victims when they are in superior numbers and armed, while there might only be a single mugger.

I have gone into conversation with an admin on if and when it is accepted to retaliate when there's a mugging taking place, to my surprise the rule is that if the mugger has a line of sight on any number of victims be it from 1 to 3, the number itself is irrelevant since the mugger holds absolute ruling in the circumstance. While it is understandable that two people can be mugged at the same time since it is easy to keep that number under control so long as both people are in the line of sight and order is given to stay still, when the number people being mugged goes beyond that is where it becomes increasingly unrealistic especially if the people in question are armed.

Inevitably my proposal is that when there are numbers superior at least by two (2) people compared to the mugger and their group, that realistically speaking it is entirely understandable that the group with larger numbers would retaliate in order to keep their possessions instead of conforming to the demands of a group holding smaller threat. It does also beg to question how realistic it can be for a single mugger to in a situation to successfully mug a group of lets say six (6) people within an enclosed space such as the storage, this does not conform with any figure of realism nor the theme of the RP being about hardened criminals.

In which case it can be argued that it is the mugger that is placing their own life and well-being at increased risks rather than the other way around when confronting a group of three or larger while two (2) players are arguably already an admirable mugging endeavor to take on, it is entirely unreasonable for players moving in twos or larger groups to assume they can be at the mercy of a single mugger that can essentially be armed with nothing else than a Walther PPK not to mention how grossly outgunned a lesser number of muggers can be in front of a more well-armed organization group.

I motion that the muggers must follow realistic rules of engagement and that there is no oversight on what is considered realistic and not.

Why should this be added?:
- Increased mugging realism

What negatives could this have?:
- Rule abusers will whine
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Convo with an admin about the rule


  • Mugging rule convo part 1.png
    Mugging rule convo part 1.png
    1.9 MB · Views: 34
  • Mugging rule convo part 2.png
    Mugging rule convo part 2.png
    1.9 MB · Views: 34
  • Mugging rule convo part 3.png
    Mugging rule convo part 3.png
    1.8 MB · Views: 34
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Items are replaceable but lives aren’t. Making mugging require a large number of people just further tears it from the hands of new players.

This is a non issue, especially with how easy it is to just not get mugged.
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- Skill issue

How do you manage to get mugged 1vs7 unless you run an org like @Super_ at this point you deserve to get mugged by a PPK, @Bnej said it well:
This is a non issue, especially with how easy it is to just not get mugged.

And how the fuck are we talking about realistic mugging when people on the server walk around with 50 cal rifles like a 10x shittier Detroit, making it more realistic ruins the fun and adrenaline rush you get when you catch 3 dummies lacking while you’re by yourself with a pistol.
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- Skill issue

How do you manage to get mugged 1vs7 unless you run an org like @Super_ at this point you deserve to get mugged by a PPK, @Bnej said it well:

And how the fuck are we talking about realistic mugging when people on the server walk around with 50 cal rifles like a 10x shittier Detroit, making it more realistic ruins the fun and adrenaline rush you get when you catch 3 dummies lacking while you’re by yourself with a pistol.
See when these 3 dummies AREN'T lacking it kinda defeats the argument you're trying to prove here. The ruling does not at all determine the realism factor nor that in situations where both property and lives of the victims could be saved are both entirely feasible, it should also place real thought in place for muggers to consider whether or not it is all that smart to confront more than two (2) people at once.

If you can catch 3 people with their pants down with none of them having a gun in their hand they deserve to be mugged
Well then of course those idiots deserve to be mugged, it's common sense at this point to always carry and not need it than the other way around.
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The point of the rule clarification or addition is to put more credible attempt for muggers than just give omnipotent might to a lone mugger, my point still stands that there should be clear cut nuance that could be expected. I mean how in hell can it be anything BUT dangerous for the mugger(s) to attempt to present lethal force to a group that are in clearly greater numbers and very likely armed in which case the victims are equipped in superior force all around. This places an entirely fabricated amount of power to the mugger(s) that does not follow any sensible line of reason nor logic.
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Items are replaceable but lives aren’t. Making mugging require a large number of people just further tears it from the hands of new players.

This is a non issue, especially with how easy it is to just not get mugged.
I just had to talk with an admin because while I was crossing the bridge to regal, i saw a dude standing underneath the staircase waiting looking sketchy. He saw me stop at the top of the bridge stairs, he started moving and pulled out his gun. since there was a great distance between us and he didn't even say anything, i pulled out my glock, unholstered it, and mowed him down when he was not even halfway up the stairs. He even got one shot off and i bled out in my APT, but only 1 in all that time. The only reason it wasn't held against me was because it was a public place.

I feel as though if you are in front of me, especially from a distance, and I am able to take the time to pull my gun out and unholster it and kill you, that's on you, you watch me do the whole thing. Sure its a great risk, so if it works out why should I be punished for their lack of awareness? Maybe not everyone but you can't say nobody would rather fight off a mugger than have their stuff stolen. Even with cops, people will fire back to avoid trouble watch some Live PD.

As for groups, a good example is me and my two pals going to city subway and theres one guy waiting there. He has to watch three people and wave his glock around at 3 people, so its very possible for one of the three to pull out a gun or even all 3. They can't stop all of us. But he brought it on himself to watch 3 people in a mugging so if he misses someone pulling out a gun thats on him. "FearRP" like i'm gonna be scared with my two pals armed with a mossberg and barett
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Items are replaceable but lives aren’t. Making mugging require a large number of people just further tears it from the hands of new players.

This is a non issue, especially with how easy it is to just not get mugged.
This does not tear it away from new players, it just means that you should use your brain more. I mean if the usual reaction to seeing a group of people in an alleyway is to mug them, then the mugger by his lonesome has some severe lacking in neuron cell count to consider the idea that it might not be wise to hold up people more than their weight capacity.

One-on-one would still make sense, you get the drop on someone like that then sure they won't be able to do shit unless the mugger comes a running from a distance or breaks line-of-sight for the victim to brandish defensive measures. What the rule clarification should involve is some common sense rather than give too much leeway beyond understandable limit.
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Nonetheless this feels like a severe discrepancy in the mugging rule and does not inevitably serve the greater RP if you can place a large group hostage under a single mugger on an arbitrary point such as "line-of-sight" especially when vast majority of Perpheads civilians while not necessarily walk carrying firearms at all times while alone but are most likely to do so in pairs or groups, this rule must take into account nuances when it comes to mugging and not gloss over them or then it plays an unfair advantage to the mugger when already the administration sides with the fumbling mugger that should by all means ensure there is proper distance of engagement.

This rule in its entirety is unfair, riddled with logical holes, is left to too much interpretation that can end up serving the clearly abusive party, is not serving the RP as a whole.
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Will be back to further respond to this, bed time for me, because I don't have much happening this summer.
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