Sweater Gang - Overview

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Maine, United States of America
Hello There,
If you are reading this you are looking to learn more about the elite organization known as the sweater Gang. And possibly you are interested in joining our ranks. So let me start of with a brief description of what we do here in the sweater Gang.
The Sweater Gang is an elite crime agency that is made up of highly trained, and qualified individuals, as the name suggests our main recruitment area is the top 1% of individuals within paralake city known as the Sweaters. Our organization revolves around putting the power back into the hand of the minorities like the sweaters and other smaller organizations, we try to serve as a protector of peace within paralake protecting smaller organizations and killing off the bigger ones including the PLPD, with this we are putting the power back into the hands of the people. Our elite Army is made up of the following divisions, and their respective division commanders.

-Soldiers, lead by James Timmons(@Bert) the most basic unit of the Sweater Gang Army There uniforms consist of the following.
•Black Pants (Preferbly designer jeans)
•A lime green T-Shirt
•A black baseball cap
•Shade's and gloves of their choosing(Not required)
•Combat boots

-Crafting, lead by [VACANT], a more specialized unit that focuses on up keeping the Sweater Gang armories in bazaar, they are tasked with completing crafting order for firearms and supplying the organization with the firearms that are needed for times of war. They also can serve as soldiers if needed.
Currently the crafting division does not have their own uniforms but they are in the works of being made.

Assassins, lead by James Cornhole, one of the most elite regiments within the ranks of the Sweater Gang, the assasins are usually carefully selected out of the soldiers division, and specially trained to take down enemy VIP's such as organization leaders, and other enemy organization specialist units, the assassins also serve as scouts/intelligence and often times will provide important information before attacks.
The assassin uniform consists of the following.
•Black Pants(Designer Jeans preferred)
•A lime green T-Shirt
•A black beret.
•Combat boots
•Combat gloves
•No shades.

Motor Cavalry/Fast Response unit, Lead by Joesef Park (@Vincent Jenkins) the FRU (Fast Response Unit) is tasked with maintaining motorized patrols around org bases as well as smaller organization bases, they are tasked with responding to calls for help from aleigned smaller orgs or if the main Sweater Gang head quarters are being raided. This division mainly serves as an elite flanking division, using a wide variety of different vehicles and weapons to fit the job done. This division is also tasked with pursuing enemy vehicles that may have escaped from a raid, and neutralizing them.
The FRU Uniform is the following.
•Black Pants(Designer Jeans preferred)
•Black Beanie
•Lime Green T-SHIRT
•Combat Boots
•Driving/racing gloves
•Some sick ass shades to make you look cool asf

SGPS(Sweater Gang protection service), lead by [VACANT], the SGPS is an elite organization of the Sweater Gang that serves as protection for the organization bases, as well as smaller allied orgs bases, this division will work closely with the FRU to deploy in different places within the city, along with this the SGPS will also have a few of its on drivers. The SGPS can be hired for protection for a reasonable cost if interested contact one of the Sweater Gang command members for details. The SGPS uniform consists of the following.
•Black Pants(Desinger Jeans)
•White T-Shirt(May change in the future)
•Black Fedora
•Combat Boots
•Gloves and shades of your choosing.

The listed divisions above are the only current divisions within the Sweater Gang. Next we will move onto our relationships with other organizations.

Allies -
@Vault of Memes, Leader - @LordTyla

Enemies(People we are at war with) -
WagWan, Leader - @Shokron13

<SHIT>(TBD), Leader - @ShadowJoey

If you are interested in an allegiance with the Sweater Gang please post a formal proposal on this thread, if you are interested in declaring war against the Sweater Gang don't you will get absolutely destroyed, if you still want to risk it please post a formal declaration on this thread.

If you are interested in joining the ranks of the Sweater Gang you can find our official applications here:https://perpheads.com/threads/sweater-gang-applications.29980/#post-183650
[DOUBLEPOST=1510948536,1510947545][/DOUBLEPOST][Sweater Gang Official Announcement]

Sweater Gang has increased there numbers by 2 new recruits!
Welcome to the Sweater Gang @ErmakDimon and @R-Flex
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Parts Unknown
R.I.P Jack Kanoff declares war, once our members ratings are given back your members will stop being slaughtered.
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Lol? in war with WagWan? Pretty stupid in my opinion.
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Maine, United States of America
[Sweater Gang Official Statement]

The Sweater Gang Armed forces are now at war with the Mohhammed family lead by @Gimic They will perish under the mighty wraith of SWEATER GANG.
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[WAGWAN Official Fuck You Statement]
Someone puts some pressure on your org and u start getting scared ? You gonna have to fix it yourself.
Still at war.​
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Maine, United States of America
[Sweater Gang Official Statement]

FUCK YOU TOO FAGWAN. You will pay for this. Prepare all of your bases. Prepare all your un trained members. Because you want to know who is coming? Sweater gang is coming. And trust me you will wish you didn't make the descision to turn down
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