VR vs AR (Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality)

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The Death Star
So, I have recently gotten interested into VR and AR, been looking at competing products ect, so I will show the 4 I have looked at and ask for your opinions;

Virtual Reality

So first up we have the;

HTC Vive

So on this product is the most known Virtual Reality headset out there and is the most popular with its high definition screens and *almost* near perfect tracking capabilities.

What I feel on this product for pros and cons are;

Pros - High-Grade headset, Near perfect tracking, seamless integration with games, less "Motion sickness"

Cons - Price (Affordability)

Oculus Rift

So the Oculus as recently bought by facebook was the first known VR headset to be released however the last one to be fully released to consumers, currently on my personal opinion I do not like this headset in terms of use but I will explain below;

Pros: Cost (Lower than HTC), Usage within games, Comfortable controllers

Cons: Cost as you need 4 tracking modules to use properly and you get 1 with the headset, 1 with the controllers and then you need to buy the other 2 seperatly for around either £80 or $80

Augmented Reality

Microsoft Hololens

So the hololens, great product and probably the most polished in its field due to the on-going research to get this out everywhere despite its price tag of $3,000 however there are a few cons.

Pros: First of its kind to pioneer this technology at a consumer level, Most up to date within terms of consumer knowledge and development, able to be used without being connected to a machine as it is it's own portable machine.

Cons: Price tag of $3,000 for a development kit, Low FOV (Field of View) due to the main lens.

Meta 2

Meta 2 - Straight out of MIT, the founders have a vision to make the most usable "wearable computer" for consumers of today trying out new tech in order to make their main goal a reality and that is to change their bulky headset to a thin pair of glasses.

Pros: Wide FOV compared to Hololens, Cheaper pricetag of $949 for development kit, has good tracking capabilities.

Cons: Requires to be plugged into a computer constantly as they do not want to build hardware into the headset unlike the hololens

So here is my brief description, what would you buy and why? or if you have another point to make feel free to do so!
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North East England (UK)
I own the VR and I can tell you from my experiences with it its fucking amazing. I play it now and then and sometimes with @Madda and @Slayerduck and im sure they will agree with my that HTC Vive is the best. 700 pounds might sound like a lot but from my point of view its a bargain considering how much fun you get from it and how cool VR is itself. Ive tried the Oculus Rift and its touch thingy and compared to the HTC Vive its pretty bad. Its not as smooth and it does not look as good.

My opinion: HTC Vive
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The Death Star
I own the VR and I can tell you from my experiences with it its fucking amazing. I play it now and then and sometimes with @Madda and @Slayerduck and im sure they will agree with my that HTC Vive is the best. 700 pounds might sound like a lot but from my point of view its a bargain considering how much fun you get from it and how cool VR is itself. Ive tried the Oculus Rift and its touch thingy and compared to the HTC Vive its pretty bad. Its not as smooth and it does not look as good.

My opinion: HTC Vive

I have seen it going for £600 at my local CeX however not sure, last thing i bought from there had a lifepsan of 1 day
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Maine, United States of America
I really like them both I personally feel AR is more compelling to the average consumer and it is to me aswell. Not really sure why but it just amazes how many features shit like the holo glass has.
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Parts Unknown
I actually have the Oculus rift before it became all cool, the first dev kit. Wanted to try some VR porn and see if i should hop into that kind of business. Bought a HTC Vive last year. They need to make a standard protocol because everyone is doing their own shit and 'exclusive' games for either headset shouldn't really be a thing imo. Afaik the HTC Vive does have a bit better game compatibility on steam right now but i did hear the Oculus does feel better on your head. Since Facebook took over Oculus they went all closed source with their drivers and i would avoid Oculus just for that.
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