What's up guys!?

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Connecticut, United States of America
Hey guys!
My names Andrew (Bob Dole in game) and I just discovered this community a few days ago. I used to play PERP all the time in its glory days, but those are long gone...After getting a new service provider, I was able to refresh my whole server list (My old provider turned my internet off temp. when I would refresh my servers since it detected it as a ddos attack) and saw the PERP category with 80 players!
I joined this server and was amazed at the complete overhaul of the PERP gamemode. I was so fascinated but lost in it, so I figured I'd try to get known around here!
For a little more info I currently reside in the United States, attending college for Management Information Systems. I'm 19, and love to play videogames, especially garrysmod. I hope to be active around here and get to know many of you! Hope to see you guys in game soon!
Reaction score
Hello, welcome to the community.

There's most likely things you wonder about so don't hesitate to ask anyone.

If you are experiencing bugs or problems with the perpheads content, you should check out this thread right here
You can also find an overview map of paralake right here

And lastly, if there's anything else you wonder about, head over to the guides section and support section of the forums where users have posted useful threads regarding perpheads and the content. Have a look to see if you can find the solution to your problem there before making a support thread here if all else fails.

You can find the current up-to-date forum rules and server rules under these two links.

Enjoy your stay! :p