Ban Apology (blobvis 2.0)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis 2.0
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: ThisOtherGuyAgain12
Your Roleplay Name: Mason bird
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:803389108

Why were you punished?: Driving away from police

Why should this appeal be considered?: Ok, maybe I am not quite the greatest person on the server, but this ban really does confuse me.The ban report states that I was being a minge as taxi, even though it started when I accidentally crashed into another person on the highway whilst driving a customer (who was going far too slow as well) I then attempted to apologize to him, but he did not listen and blocked my car from moving.At this point two police officer came in, and I was able to get past him after that, but I was then followed by police officer, who told me to pull over.I do that, but I am told I can't pull over where i am, and that I have to keep driving.I then drive to spawn, and attempt to pull over, but I am again told that I cannot pull over there.At this point ,I am not sure what I being told to do, and i drive away( i admit i shouldn't have drove away, but keep in mind that I have a customer in the back whilst this is all happening and he is getting annoyed which stresses me) I then leave to drive him to his destination, in which i am chased by about 5 police cars. I tell them that I don't really know what I am being told to do, but i get no answer.I eventually was forced to stop when my tyre were slashed, and I again ask what is happening. I get no response again and I am taken to jail.Also, the report also states that I failed gunpoint multiple times, although the only time I was gun pointed is when I got out of my car after the tires were slashed, and i then let myself get arrested, whilst confused.I also was just instantly banned, and I didn't get a chance to talk to the admin and explain what had happened.Overall, I do apologize for any problem I did cause, but i don't really see why my ban was so large.(I will admit i have been banned some times already, but I feel this one wasn't really fair on me, as i was not given a chance to clarify anything.)

Additional Information: I did not hit, incapacitate, or kill anyone whilst I was in the taxi.I did at one point drive on the wrong side of the road, but only because why car was rammed into it and i had no other choice.
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I wouldn't say that this is a dispute, as i do understand why I would've been banned for this, but what I am protesting is more the ban length, as I didn't kill anyone or actively go out of my way to drive in the wrong lanes.


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United Kingdom
I wouldn't say that this is a dispute, as i do understand why I would've been banned for this, but what I am protesting is more the ban length, as I didn't kill anyone or actively go out of my way to drive in the wrong lanes.

The ban length must go through staff complaints then, from your wording it seems more of a dispute for the whole reasoning instead of the length. Regardless if you made a staff complaint, your demo would help in assisting to see what actually happened from your POV.
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