Ban Apology (Bnje)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Bnje
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Eistee von Aldi
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Abu-Almani
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590796330

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5: Used a grenade to attempt to kill a player with a valid reason to kill them however his use of an impact grenade in the middle of the bazaar resulted in him missing and killing 2 innocent people walking down the walkway. The player then threw a second one, Killing another person under the impression they were the person who gunpointed them initially due to their clothing. Their reasoning for this was they didnt want to be shot whilst taking a gun out of storage, When footage provided shows that doing so would have been viable as the dude was leaving and he had friends around.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I would like to apologize for the events that occured last thursday night at bazaar

Despite my better judgement I decided to attempted to kill 2 players, who had gunpointed me earlier, with 2 grenades instead of a gun.
Doing this in a hectic uncalculated manner, in the middle of bazaar on a busy server, lead to me accidentally hitting 3 players, none of them being the 2 guys who actually gunpointed me.
Something this stupid would get someone banned for mrdm on other servers, and because of this event I will reconsider my approach to using nades and not carry them around in the future.

The main problem was, when I took the risk of using nades, I took risks on behalf of other players, that did not agree on it.
And I accidentally blackscreened people who had nothing to do with this and send them back to city hall with a NLR timer, essentially wasting 10min of their valuable gametime.
For that I am terribly sorry @Clarky @peeps4321 and Terry from the green guys org.
Reaction score

the 2 players who reported you were contacted and they’ve forgiven you for this.