Ban Apology (Efan)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Efan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: ilPtrni
Your Roleplay Name: Patron Patronini
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26618384

Why were you punished?: 3.15, 3.6 - As courier drove head-on into a car that was being pursued as he is a "government employee". Player does not have a good record, hence the ban length.

Why should this appeal be considered?: My record isnt good, but isnt bad either. I never done stupid things, I'm learning everyday how to improve in game, the rules, mechanics (drive), and I contribute to the community, helping new players and recently forming a unique all Portuguese clan. But mostly, because the accident wasn't different of many that happen all day. I wasn't driving fast, I was with a FORD of delivery (max45), and made a little mistake by trespassing not by far the line of the oposite side of the road, crashing against a car whos driving very fast, more then allowed, and was been pursuit by cops (btw, police thank me for the intentional crash). Wasnt correct my move, invading the other side of the road, and a punishment is perfectly normal, but I think a ban was too much, and 5 days, with my record in 3 years of game, I think its a bit unfair and Efan wasnt very helpful or avaiable for talk when asked me why happen that.

Additional Information: Just my opinion, the bans should be more controlled, it feels admin abusive power by a few of the admins. I'm not saying this to push down the server, its the opposite. I'm not the only one saying that, don't understand wrongly please, just opinion.
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It seems more like a disagreement with the ban itself rather than an apology.

If you disagree about the duration of the ban, it's best to file a staff complaint. The ban length only is nothing you can appeal unfortunately.

Apology - You apologize for the rulebreak and hope for forgiveness.
Dispute - You think the ban is invalid and can provide evidence to back your claims.
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As I explained to you in the report, you have 4 warnings within the last month and one of them is the same rule you broke. This is why your ban is 5 days.

Furthermore you intentionally caused significant damage to the players car and ruined their RP situation.

If you think the ban is invalid or if you think the length is unfair then take the steps suggested to you by Ellie.
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