Ban Dispute (Valentine)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Valentine
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Buster
Your Roleplay Name: Bjorn Hansen
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197539376

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - The player failed to adhere to put their hands up after being ordered to do so during a shootout near Slums, stated the reason behind this was because they thought they would get mugged

Why should this appeal be considered?: so first i want to say that i had no intention of breaking 3.4, i dont really get why i got banned for not putting my hands up when i did, i might have been a little slow doing it but i feel like i did it fast enough. i dont really exactly remember what i said in the f6 but im sure i didnt say "the reason i didnt put hands up was because i thought i was getting mugged" as that wouldnt really make sense to me, i do remember i said something about "i was thinking about if i was getting mugged" or something which may have made me putting hands up a little slower, but as i said earlier i believe i put my hands up fast enought as it only took me like 2.5 seconds, but even if it was too late it wouldnt really affect anything since i didnt have a gun or any harmful weapon, valentine also said something in the f6 about me not putting hands up because i was waiting for my friend to peek which is not true at all, i did not know anything about him going to peek to try and help me, i dont even think he knew i was being gped after he killed me on accident while i had hands up

Additional Information: i hope this dispute gets considered and u guys have a nice day
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From my POV, your surrender animation never played hence why I kept moving toward you and kept telling you to put your hands up but neither did you state that you had your hands up during the debate in the report hence why I initiated a ban based on what I observed.

These things happen, I've deleted your ban, if you face another situation like this again please state that you did actually have your hands up in the report
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