How to stay alive longer in gunfights

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After approximately 3 trillion gunfights, I have decided I have enough knowledge on how to write a comprehensive guide on how to stay alive longer. Hopefully this guide should help newer players who do seem to die a fair bit in gunfights, which is no one's fault really. I have written an acronym that provides some necessary steps on how to keep yourself from staring at a black screen for 5 minutes.

Keep your head down.
Focus on your enemies.
Clear some exits/flee points.
Just don't panic.
Everyone is armed.
Watch out for 'nades.

1) Keep your head down. The concrete barriers you see in bases are very useful for protecting you from gunfire. However, because of how animations work in PERP, each time you move a little - your head will poke up from behind the barrier. When you're not firing, keep still behind the barrier unless absolutely necessary (exposed, grenades, pushing).

2) Focus on your enemies. If you know where your enemies are, you have an astronomically higher chance of coming out successful in a gunfight, as you know where exactly you need to pre-aim or pre-fire. Remember, it's a lot more worth it to waste 100$ pre-firing 6 bullets and missing than it is to save those 6 bullets and end up losing your gun.

3) Clear some exits/flee points. Should all your teammates die, or if you feel the gunfight has dragged on and the police/reinforcements may arrive, then you need a way of escaping. Allocate one member of your team to watch the door and prevent people getting the jump on you when it's time to bail. You can even do this yourself, every time you slip out of sight of your adversaries, go check on your escape route to make sure it's still a viable option (and look for another if not.)

4) Just don't panic. If you panic in gunfights, you're much more likely to slip up and overaim/underaim an enemy. If you genuinely need a second to think and collect your thoughts, try and find some cover and flex your fingers a second. A clear mind is one that makes infinitely better decisions that a stressed one. Another good part of this accepting your death. If you know that your health is too low, charge out and draw the attention of enemies so that your colleagues can be alerted to their position.

5) Everyone is armed. Treat everyone as if they're carrying some sort of weapon. If you see someone getting a bit too close for comfort, or they're ducking behind a wall in the middle of a gunfight, keep it in mind. Don't just gun people down, as this would violate 2.5. Make sure that anyone who seems to be a bit antsy, despite not being in a gunfight, is accounted for when you're letting the rounds fly.

6) Watch out for 'nades. Grenades are some of the most powerful weapons on the server. If you're blown up by a frag grenade, it's usually an instant black screen with no chance of survival. However, grenades don't always need to kill someone to be useful. If thrown correctly, they can usually dismantle an entire group of enemies, which can let you move out and hit them while they're recovering from the boom.

Obviously, it all really comes down to experience, and you will definitely die in some of your first gunfights. Just keep carrying on and eventually you'll be the PERPHeads Sun Tzu.​
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only advise i got from james husky (greatest perp e-sports player of all time) was "aim for the head" which i still can't do till to this day.
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couldnt have said it better myself, will be linking this to a few people