How to take a hostage and play out a hostage sit without cyber bully Minge police sniping you

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Hello, as a member of IA, I’ve seen my fair share of “tHiS oFfIcEr fUcKiNg rUiNeD mY hOsTaGe sIt bY sHoOtInG mE rIsKiNg tHe hOsTaGeS lIfE”. Usually that is far from the case.

Here is a guide on how not to fucking die, as well as effective hostage sit techniques and their pro’s and cons.

I’m going to start by saying you shouldn’t take hostages solely to get a ransom payment. Why? Because the legal limit for a ransom payment is 5K. And that doesn’t mean per head, 5K for the release of any and all hostages you might have.

Ensure your own safety
Safety in numbers. Police can very easily shoot 1 person to save a hostage without consequences as they have a clear and direct method of ensuring the hostage is saved with the single pull of a trigger. Having multiple guns on one hostage is the best way to go about it, as taking down numerous people at once requires coordination between a group of police officers. 1 gun per hostage taker, so the more people you have, the harder it will be for a team of marksmen to take you down without risking the hostages life. It’s highly unlikely the PD will be able to gather up that many skilled marksman in a short span of time.

This might sound wrong, but the less hostages you have, the more chance of success you have in a sense. You’re more likely to be able to kill a hostage if you have enough people per hostage.

> The more hostages you have, the more serious the situation becomes to police. However, this also comes with the trade off of the crowd of hostages would be harder to control.
> The more gun men you have, the more likely you are to be able to execute the hostages if the police fail to comply with orders. This could also mean you’re more likely you are to defeat police, but at the same time, that could result in their being more officers attending the situation.

In my opinion, having 2 people per hostage is the best way of going about ensuring the police aren’t going to try anything that might not be all that safe or legal.

Plan all possibilities.
Ensure that you are fully prepared for any and all consequences, such as officer negligence, trap tactics, and other instances which could result in the hostage situation going not according to plan. Ensure you have at least 1 main way out and a backup exit plan.

establish what you want out of it.
No point in taking a hostage and acting hard to police officers only to become a bumbling dumblefuck once police ask what you want. Make sure you know what you want. Typically, taking a hostage should only Be done to stop cops from attempting to follow and detain you for a serious crime. Usually people take them for fun and staff allow this if it creates roleplay, if all parties involved are okay with it, etc. But don’t expect it to go your way, by doing that you’re literally consenting to fall to any and all consequences to your actions.

Skills required to ensure your success:

Patience is important. Shooting a hostage because you’re fed up of waiting for a demand when it hasn’t been very long only puts yourself at risk. The only instance where you should shoot a hostage over your own impatience should be if your demands are given but aren’t being met.
The ability to compromise is important. Sometimes things won’t go 100% your way. An example of this would be if you have an insignificant demand, like burgers, that isn’t being met. Executing a hostage when you still have the advantage is counter productive and stupid.
Tactical knowledge:
Being able to utilise tactics which will be listed below are important as you can use them to maintain a constant advantage.
Negotiation skills in general:
Reasoning is your best friend here. The ability to talk calmly and confidently in giving clear demands is essential.

Common and useful tactics in keeping hostages in danger:

Holding a grenade keeps you with what is essentially a “dead mans switch”. If you get shot down holding one, the grenade will fall, causing potential death of a hostage. Bonus points if you use an impact grenade as they will have less time to react.
Almost an 100% guarantee you’ll at least cause harm if you die.
Not too expensive
Very functional
If police shoot at you but miss you can throw it at them
You won’t be able to get in or out of a vehicle without throwing it
Holding mouse 1, when if you accidentally let go, or lag, you could throw it automatically or accidentally
Hostage could run away if youre using a time fuse grenade

I shouldnt have to explain this one lmfao.
Very easy to acquire
Easy to use
Runs less risk than explosives
Allows you to defend yourself quickly after if forced to execute a hostage
Little chance of the hostage sit failing after being shot down.

Explosive rigging:
Explosives rigging is essentially having a hostage being forced to hold an explosive, like a remote explosive, fuel can or fire, or surrounding a hostage with said items. You could either detonate the bomb with the phone app, or have a Molotov for an instant detonation.

Kind of easy.
Police are miles more likely to take it seriously.
Less chance of failure.
You could easily kill yourself or someone else assisting you in the process
If the fire spreads to someone’s property you could receive punishment for 2.5.
TFU are trained to deal with this kind of hostage sit, so officers experience could outshine yours resulting in your failure.

Essential equipment to assist in hostage situations:
A basic defence in case of a police assault.
A phone for communications, bank transfers, and for detonating bombs
A gun in case things go wrong and to keep the threat towards the hostage
Zipties to restrict hostages to slow movement and to prevent them from escaping or fighting back

Further tips:
It is very helpful that you either record, or note the time of, a Hostage situation upon beginning one. This will be helpful as:
- You can record potential officer negligence for an internal affairs complaint, or a report.
- You can Record potential 3.4, 2.1 and 3.6 from a hostage for a report.
- You might catch something pretty fucking funny.

If you are unsure if an officer acted correctly during a hostage situation, please consult the help desk.

Ensure that your actions are within the rules, or otherwise from fully consenting players before beginning a hostage situation.

I will update this guide more later, up next will be a guide on how to handle a hostage situation as an LEO, as well as what to do if you get taken hostage.​