Server Suggestion Jackpot

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Suggestion Title: Jackpot
Suggestion Description: A jackpot in the casino where players can pitch in money and then a "roll" is done where those who pitched in the most money have a higher chance of winning. The animation can be done on a big screen where the U shaped red couch currently is. Multiple stations can be placed in front of the screen where players can sit and pitch in their bets. Once a bet has been placed they are forced off the station for other players to pitch in if they want to. Possibly 3 of them? A 10% tax can be taken out from the total winnings before it goes to the winner which allows it still act as a money sink (Money isn't just moved to one player). A cap of 1 million should be placed as to avoid last minute "Jackpot snipers" and bets can only be placed once per round. If a player places a bet and no others do for 3 minutes, the money is returned to the person who placed the bet and the system is reset.

Why should this be added?:
- Creates a nice roleplay scenario
-Could be very fun and exciting
-Players can come together more often to gamble competitively

What negatives could this have?:
- Players can lose more money per bet