Perpheads Help - Help Required

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United Kingdom
The Perpheads Help website will be going added as a link to the forums and viewable on the server later this week. Before this can happen, I need help from people who are interested in writing guides for the community, to start to populate the website with useful articles. Initially, this can be as simple as moving guides from the forum onto the website.

I've decided the best way to launch this will be to create a basic website, and slowly add features as requested. You can view the current progress here:

The text is formatted using markdown, and the website contains the ability to upload images.

Please send me a forum PM if you wish to write some guides, and I can give your account permission to edit pages. Obviously, any abuse of privileges given will not be tolerated. You need to login before messaging me, otherwise I can't give you any permissions.

If you know a decent amount of Python/CSS, and would like to help develop the website, please let me know.

Planned Features
  • Viewable on the F1 Menu in game
  • Favourites system
  • Actual styling
  • Full navigation structure
  • Searching
  • Automated Page Contents
If you have any other features that you would like to suggest, please post them in this thread.

Many thanks to @Smudger for his hard work helping me develop the website.

Edit: Here is a list of suggested guides that we might need. I've put the names of people who said they're going to do things next to them.
  • New Starter
    • How to find your way around
    • How to make money
  • Jobs
    • Basic Police Guide
    • Advanced Police Guide
    • Firefighter
    • Medic
    • Roadcrew
    • Taxi Driver
    • Courier
  • Drugs
    • 1 page for each drug
  • Crafting
  • Combat
    • Weapon Guides
    • How to raid
    • Melee Combat
  • Support
    • How to install the content
    • How to use chromium branch
  • Websites
    • How to use Scambans
    • How to use plpdonline
    • How to use perpheads help
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Happy to help the community in any way possible.
Please feel free to put my name down for both Basic and advanced police guide.

I will see what is left after other comments but happy to do a few others if they are left open after a few days.
