Road Traffic Unit Campaign - #ReadTheRoad

Reaction score

#ReadTheRoad - RTU Campaign
The RTU Command Team have decided to run a campaign for the whole PD to participate in! This Campaign focuses on laws 12.5 Markings and Signage and 12.14 Right of Way.
Here is what we expect of you during the campaign if you wish to participate:

Creating #ReadTheRoad broadcasts.
Stopping people that are breaking laws 12.5 Markings and Signage and 12.14 Right of Way.
Include the hashtag (#ReadTheRoad) in any tickets regarding the laws stated above.
Officers conduct themselves appropriately and not ticket each other.

There are also a limited amount of advertisement props that can be handled out to anyone that requests them by asking Staff Sergeant Adrienne Kali in-game or through PLPD, granted that they are used in the campaign.

There is a prize of $250,000 along with a second-place prize of $150,000 and a third-place prize of $100,000 available to the officer that gives out the most valid #ReadTheRoad tickets by 07/01/2024.

Good Luck!

Please note:
#ReadTheRoad submissions are to only be used in tickets, and not jail sentences. When broadcasting to advertise the campaign and enforcement of 12.5 and 12.14, do so in a reasonable time-frame and professional manner. RTU Command reserves the right to discount officers' votes if they act against a policy, have had a serious recent infraction (Demotion or Discharge) or there are doubts that the entries were fair.