Server Events: 19/04/2015 - Sunday 4:00PM BST+0

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Server Events: 19/04/2015 - Sunday 4:00PM BST+0


: 4:00PM

EVENT: Duck Huntin'

Winner(s): Heatz [Eddie Stallone] & BA98 [Ben Anderson]

Prize: The successful hunter: M24 Sniper Rifle

Description: People that would like to participate in the event will be placed on top of the city office and will be instructed to line up along the edge of it facing the car dealer. One of our trusty throwaway staff members will be placed at the car dealer car park and will be instructed to run around like a headless chicken. When the all clear is given, participants will be automatically given an M24 Sniper with unlimited ammunition then have to attempt to kill the poor Duck, due to the render distance you won't actually be able to see him so winning the event will be down to luck. The person who successfully kills the duck will receive a free M24 Sniper Rifle to take home with them!

TIME: 5:00PM

EVENT: Beach Derby

Winner(s): Venomine [Lamar Carter]

Prize: Last car standing '$75,000'

Description: People that would like to participate in the event will be instructed to take their cars to the beach. A platform is built which is erected above the sea, same place as the 6x6 event. One by one, people will start having their cars brought up to the platform by a staff member and everyone will be placed next to each other and the same on the other sides of the platform. When the go ahead is given, everybody then just unleashes into each other until there is only one car left on the platform.

TIME: 8:00PM

EVENT: Suburbs Deathmatch

Winner(s): Blue Team

Prize: The surviving participants on the winning team receive '$75,000' each

Description: Suburbs Deathmatch is located at the Suburban District believe it or not, there are 2 teams and everyone is given a Primary and a Secondary weapon, along with some miscellaneous items, like a bandage or two. The two teams are placed on separate sides of the Suburbs and when they are signaled to go, they will begin the fight.

Kind regards,
The PERPHeads staff team.
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Yeah just a heads up! The event will be starting in about 2 hours!
BST stands for British Summer Time.
This equates to other times:
  • 11AM Eastern Standard Time
  • 6PM Moscow Standard Time
  • 5PM Nordic Time Zone (Sweden)
Please ensure you join the server nice and early as slots are very competitive when an event is on.
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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
It was fun being the duck, the amount of sniper bullets coming towards me was insane.Also, failed hard in beach derby as I tried to ram a Honda off that somehow become nonexistent as I drove right trough it and into the water...


Kinda of abit bullshit. I wasted 1 hour of my life waiting to get preped and now i odnt get a prize. FML.

Hey Dronez, sorry i cant comment I'm on my phone. Poke me on the teamspeak tommorow and Ill make sure you get the Blue Team Prize!


Give us all a prize when you're on the roll, stupid to just give one

He didn't die I dont think? I thought he was forgotten. And dont mix up personal greed with peoples uncomfort. I never said I would personally give him one, I will try to contact moron to see if it could be changed.
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