Where does your PERP IC name come from?

I wasn't very creative.

I saw John Doe and decided to take John and I looked around my room and saw my travel magnets, congratulations you are now John Magnets for the next 10 years. (except very few times where I changed it for orgs last names and 2x undercover as sweater and random)
I had multiple so I'll also list multiple (chronological order)

Kenneth Walker - Just a made up name and Walker sounded cool as fuck to me.

Angela Walker - Gender change and Angela sounded pretty German to me.

Angela Coy - Coy as in bashful/shy (or was it the koi fish? I don't remember)

Rin Shima - Yuru Camp. The one on the bottom of this shirt decal.

Rime Tanioki - VSinger/Character of said singer in some sort of story/novel. Racoon's are also pretty neat.

I never got my name changed for the "famous/known characters" so that's a W

I'm sure I had more but I don't remember right now.
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Adrienne came from a character that i wrote in a story that I was co-writing alongside some friends many years ago. I didn't remember the surname though and I was looking for inspiration for a surname that would be easy/catchy. Happened to be listening to K/DA at the time and I decided to cut off the 'A' from Akali to just Kali and here we are.
I usually just pick a random country and then google the most common first and last names there and make a combination that I like

I change my name at least once a month.
Nikola Fischer.

At first it was Ludwig Fischer, and for many years I kept it as my default for all GMod RP Servers. Ludwig was in honour to my real life best friend, and Fischer was the surname another friend picked for a different game (I think he did so because of Bobby Fischer). However, it turns out Ludwig Fischer too was the name of a very nasty nazi war criminal, so I swiftly changed to Nikolaus Fischer when I found out back in 2018 or so. Why Nikolaus? Well, it sounded cool, I don't know. When I joined Perps, I did so along with some Bosnian and Serbian friends, so I decided to "balkanize" Nikolaus and turn it into Nikola.
@Cole and I decided to rp as brothers. He already had the surname Rogerson so I just went along with it. As for Jaden, I had just watched Karate Kid with Jaden Smith and couldn't think of a better name so here we are over 10 years later....

Changed my name a couple times for memes (Ronald Drumpf until Bolli decided it was no bueno) or going undercover, never lasted longer than a couple weeks though.
Billie Cokx - Billie was a close irl best friend years ago, Cokx I wanted to spin off of legacy guys.

Akeno Via - Akeno I took from (REDACTED by @Collier ), Via was a streamer years ago I used to watch, to this day they are a dead channel.
Started as John inch because I was lazy
Changed to Inch Ross in beloved memory of our long lost Jamal so he knows Ross family manga farms will live on
my name used to be Jackson Fringo. no idea where i got it. i guess i just wanted a silly name that wouldnt get changed. Then i played gta 4 and changed it to Niko Bellic, but they didnt let me, so i just added some random shit at the end that still sounded fitting for the name and it was fine with the admin. so now i am Niko Bellictova. i had some other name changed in between but none of them stuck for more than like a day