Recent content by ABOBA

  1. ABOBA

    Refund Request (ABOBA)

    @Kevko The person who RDM'ed me and got banned.
  2. ABOBA

    Refund Request (ABOBA)

    Your Steam Name: ABOBA Your Roleplay Name: Aboba Boba Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:418294134 Reason for Request: I was killed by two guys with a bat for no reason and lost my gun. Requested Items: HK HK45 CT with a pistol sight Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Kevko Evidence Link:
  3. ABOBA

    +ACAB+ Applications

    Name - Aboba Bloddy Cars - Bmw m6 Bank Balance - 1.3kk Previous Orgs - none Why do you want to join ACAB? - im lonely What is your strongest skill? - seducing old men(ladies if needed) Why should we accept you? - i speak 3 languages+im a good person+i smell good