Recent content by Acerius

  1. Acerius

    PC using far too much memory.

    You might find this video of interest:
  2. Acerius

    @Dave tRêvłéöćK_pòrtábłé_détéKtör_008098009753136890976543245087789097890 [MEDIA]

    @Dave tRêvłéöćK_pòrtábłé_détéKtör_008098009753136890976543245087789097890
  3. Acerius

    MixemeŤokyiâ tRêvłéöćK_pòrtábłé_détéKtör Sektor 43-234 Comms As xstv2 [IMG] Lick 9volt battery...

    MixemeŤokyiâ tRêvłéöćK_pòrtábłé_détéKtör Sektor 43-234 Comms As xstv2 Lick 9volt battery for immunity from trevelock airborne particle spray 6565656565
  4. Acerius


  5. Acerius

    coke or weed

    I usually grow coke while doing meth, and then grow weed when drying my coke leaves.
  6. Acerius

    Longest time you have been banned for

    Few warnings and a couple blacklists but never banned :troll:
  7. Acerius

    Best Combat orgs in perp

    @Megasaw's big toe
  8. Acerius

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    Perhaps I am, so let's say that for those 2 ORs a month it instead takes you 2 hours in total - 30 minutes for each patrol, and 30 minutes for write-up. Sparing 2 hours over the course of an entire calendar month - which, by the way, if we say is 28 days and you spend 9.25 of those hours...
  9. Acerius

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    I can agree with the principle of increasing incentives for writing Observation Reports (caveated that they have to be of a certain quality) but I simply don't agree that Corporals should be exempt, particularly when your level of responsibility and expectation compared to that of a Sergeant is...
  10. Acerius


    Involved - I didn't report Doge because as soon as he disconnected he threatened to nuke mine and Collier's base on the ATM9 server, and proved his willingness to do so by evaporating Dave's base into the crater you see below, and then tormenting him with claymores on his nether portal. If...
  11. Acerius

    T-T... T...

    T-T... T...
  12. Acerius

    the bay harbour butcher [ATTACH]

    the bay harbour butcher
  13. Acerius

    The most hated thing on perp

    @Murtsley when all of the founding partners of Eisenhammer Chamberlain Hill LLP said they would no longer be logging on and he had to go back to Nexus Legal