Recent content by Adam Stern

  1. Adam Stern

    Black love recruiting.

    Name IC/OOC: In-Character name: Taylor Lopez. Out of Character name: [DPA] Adaster Age: 15 Previous orgs: Yakuza, Crimson Family, Grow Inc. And around three other orgs I forgot their names. Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them": I'm a good friend of Kristina Golan...
  2. Adam Stern

    Main Street Mafia

    OOC INFORMATION: steam Name: [BMB] Adam Stern. Server Playtime: 2 days. Age: I'm 15 years old. What other RP experience have you had: Combine Control, GTA RP and PERP. IC INFORMATION: Name: Matthew Bilansky. Age: 23 years old. Driving Skills: Pretty good. Crafting Skills: Not so good...
  3. Adam Stern

    The Crimson Mafia - Applications

    (IC) Name: Matthew Bilansky (going to change the last name soon). Age: 23. Number: 897-0068. Car type: Mini Copper (going to buy a new one). Previous organisations: Yakuza and Luxion Family. Key Skills: I'm a good driver. =============================================================...