Recent content by adsol93

  1. adsol93

    Goodbye note.

    Well, it's my turn to say goodbye. After being a member of this community since June, I decided that it's time for me to go. To be honest, I don't have anything else to say here. I'll might come back from times to times to see what's going on. Since then, Goodbye.
  2. adsol93

    About Richking123's post.

    I don't really know what happened exactly and it's not my business but giving warnings for in-game/community rules about an out-of-server discussion? Come on... If someone who plays in the server insults me on steam, even for an in-game event, you believe that affects the game rules? You mean...
  3. adsol93

    My inactivity

    I actually wondered these days xD
  4. adsol93

    George Johnson's Refund Request

    +Support, He deserves to be refunded. It was totally random what Empa did and he lost, as I saw, a lot of drugs and a couple of expensive guns.
  5. adsol93

    Server Event: 18/10/14 - 5:00PM CEST Saturday

    Events must be done more often.
  6. adsol93

    Fire officer? What the fish?!

    And after the Firecop and the Medicop, here comes the Firecitizen. He was a citizen with the suit of a Firefighter.
  7. adsol93

    Server Event: 18/10/14 - 5:00PM CEST Saturday

    That chair event will be fun, for sure.
  8. adsol93

    I think its time to call quits.

    Bye man, you will be missed. We'll not lose contact anyways.
  9. adsol93

    Fire officer? What the fish?!

    It happened again, infront of my eyes. He joins police and...
  10. adsol93

    Government Radio as a prop.

    I agree with both of you. But I'm thinkin that it will add to the roleplay a lot, if criminals were able to talk directly through the government radio. As I said, the thing is "how the government radio will be given back to the player who owns it". As for upcoming update, a new option can be...
  11. adsol93

    How to tow a vehicle. [Roadcrew Guide]

    How do I tow a vehicle? I noticed, that the most common question from players who join the Roadcrew, for the first time, is: "How do I tow a car?". So, I'm making this detailed guide to make it easier for you. [You can find a similar guide to this, on MoronPipllyd's job guide.] - First of...
  12. adsol93

    Government Radio as a prop.

    Topic: Government Radio as a prop. Short explanation (in notes): - Make government radio being used as a prop. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): This idea came to me when, yesterday, I was being a hostage as a medic and one of the guys who had me there, took my radio...
  13. adsol93

    Post Your Own Car Thread

    The only one I have.
  14. adsol93

    Meet Daymon

    I am in the chat in every frame of this video. Need to stop spamming the chat.
  15. adsol93

    SWAT Test

    +Support, SWAT lately are doing weird stuff. I always thought why there isn't tests for the SWAT and the Lieutenant.