Recent content by Akeno Himejima

  1. Akeno Himejima

    PC using far too much memory.

    Even at 16, I could be getting better frames if I get 32gb, which is my current upgrade priority. Imo this is most visible in EfT.
  2. Akeno Himejima


    Fullscreen, vsync off, max fps set to atleast 120+. Otherwise, might be your ram/cpu unless you wanna give a list of your specs.
  3. Akeno Himejima

    Theft of a Motor Vehicle

    The passenger should also be liable. Police have to initiate a chase, chase for 5+ mins and have it lost sometimes. If the passenger can assist police by giving them active tracking, I totally should say remove the charge from them. Regardless, it's aiding and abetting and 10.2. However, I would...
  4. Akeno Himejima

    How to avoid loot fear
  5. Akeno Himejima

    Our king Juan has returned. Take your crown, king. Head high and look ahead.

    Our king Juan has returned. Take your crown, king. Head high and look ahead.
  6. Akeno Himejima

    PLPD opinion

    Congrats! In many scenarios, bad. Pistol cops holding a 360* angle at projex. Too powerful, reduce slots NOW @Sindarin Ace Abo as CoD Why is @Acerius not here.
  7. Akeno Himejima

    Longest time you have been banned for

    From perm to 4 months for metagaming. Would've stayed perm if it wasn't for a certain group of people ifykyk
  8. Akeno Himejima

    Server Suggestion SIG SPEAR

    MCX .300 blackout uses 7.62x51 in terms if EfT, ammo choice usually is mid pen mid damage, however has a slightly greater recoil to compensate for the large bullet size. It uses a regular stanag mag which basically fits every other weapon.
  9. Akeno Himejima


  10. Akeno Himejima


  11. Akeno Himejima

    Model Suggestion Wrist Cosmetic

    As long as a variation of the suit can have sleeves rolled would be kind of nice. It'd be gangsters in suits with drip raiding. But that's just opinion.
  12. Akeno Himejima

    Model Suggestion Wrist Cosmetic

    Great example of what could be done to fix this, when wearing a long sleeve of any kind, the sleeve automatically pulls back if you have a wrist accessory.
  13. Akeno Himejima

    The most hated thing on perp

    Lerp. One is talked about the least but has a significant disadvantage if you have a shit connection. To most it's a disadvantage, not seeing a cop or raider. To some it's an advantage, they teleport.
  14. Akeno Himejima


  15. Akeno Himejima

    Does rule 3.4 apply as an officer?

    All rules apply to officers. If you break any of the rules, PSD will have a look at the rule broken and give a punishment relevant enough. 3.4 only applies if you do not have a gun out or are not sitting in a brute, otherwise, you must always value your life. You can panic, call for back up...