Recent content by Akuma Groves

  1. Akuma Groves

    Hi perp

    i could eat a horse hooves and all!
  2. Akuma Groves

    Server Suggestion Buff lockpicks or bobby pins

    Yes, it's meant to be like real life, so the reality is that any burglar out there isn't going to try to blow up your front door but rather lockpick or bobby pick it quietly and get in fast without being noticed. It does make full sense what my suggestion is implying. Which I find a buff...
  3. Akuma Groves

    Server Suggestion Buff lockpicks or bobby pins

    Yes, bro, hearing the singular sound of a bobby pin break is the realistic move in real life to spray down my door with an AK! (which is the outcome of any raid) Or, better yet, it's more realistic that I get a full-blown bomb and explode the front door! Are you even listening to what you're...
  4. Akuma Groves

    Server Suggestion Buff lockpicks or bobby pins

    Suggestion Title: Buff lockpicks or bobby pins Suggestion Description: It's insanely stupid that bobby pins and lock picks aren't even viable anymore because whenever anybody that knows the mechanic hears the sound, they instantly spray down the fucking door, which makes it unviable asfk and...
  5. Akuma Groves

    The Gulag 3.0

    is there any prizes for the winning team?
  6. Akuma Groves

    The Gulag 3.0

    HOLY POGGERS How many players are in 1 team??
  7. Akuma Groves

    Action Request (Akuma)

    I was given false informations about being raided so i just rushed without thinking to warn them to put there hands up, it also was like my first day on the server and this frankie bacon and his friend was constantly raiding me thats why i thought it wouldve been the same thing. I also read the...
  8. Akuma Groves

    Action Request (Akuma Groves)

    i was not on gunpoint i saw u guys and in that instant i ran out i dont know if ur blind or not u was literally stuck in my door because i closed it before i went out and i ran away. and i wasnt on gunpoint for 10 seconds it wasnt even 5 seconds And good job on providing a clip of that one guy...