Recent content by Auston

  1. Auston

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Create an F6 with an admin in game with item ID 185926512
  2. Auston

    How did you find Perpheads and when?

    Back in 2023 my therapist told me I was too happy, so he introduced me to Perpheads to bring my happiness down a notch.
  3. Auston

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Make an F6 in game to receive your refund for : Requested Items: 1x scar 1x scar mag 1x scar stock 1x reflex sight 1x rifle comp
  4. Auston

    Map Suggestion Wheelchair Infrastructure

    They've given enough access to the handicapped by even letting the british join the server in the first place.
  5. Auston

    Action Request (Selrahc)

    First off sorry for the delay. After review of the demo, @selrahc I think you should of stopped reversing, as the gunpointing was very clear, I understand you where already reversing but you where going very slowly and saw the firearm. If you have any questions feel free to send me a PM. You...
  6. Auston

    Spotify Wrapped 2024

    Very indie this year
  7. Auston

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    As a PD main always wanting cops to be more powerful… I hate the update. TFU Command did an amazing job coming up with a great update, but it seems the deep state wanted to make changes to it that ruined the implementation. Cops that have no idea how to actually play the game are now given much...
  8. Auston

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Results!

    The police results where rigged, we will be storming city hall January 6th!
  9. Auston

    Server Suggestion Increased body drag speed for high ranks

    Compromise, maybe strength can affect dragging speed?
  10. Auston

    Ban Apology (Auston)

    I shorted it to 3 weeks so you can enjoy the holiday events, be more cautious with 3.4.
  11. Auston

    Ban Apology (Auston)

    You have 1 ban and 2 warnings within the last 3 months for 3.4, I can consider shortening your ban to a month, but I would say any 3.4 warning or ban within the next 6 months would result in a 6 month ban. Do you agree to these terms?
  12. Auston

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Maybe if you didn't log out when I dragged you to a roof we could of talked about it?
  13. Auston

    Should there be a functional parking meter in v6?

    I don't want my car to get impounded because I died to a sweater that hit me with their mini cooper
  14. Auston

    Action Request (Selrahc)

    Sorry for the delay, been away from my PC. I have requested demo: perpheads_demo_2024-11-3 00-54-18 If you dont get the request just send me the demo. Thanks