Recent content by Ava Fox

  1. Ava Fox

    Leonard Bushross

    he payed 25 denarii
  2. Ava Fox


  3. Ava Fox


  4. Ava Fox

    happy birthday mate

    happy birthday mate
  5. Ava Fox

    Refund Request (Ava Fox)

    Your Steam Name: Ava Fox Your Roleplay Name: ava fox Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:547600629 Reason for Request: i lost my gun to some guy pushing me in the road Requested Items: colt Anaconda x1 Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Mallard
  6. Ava Fox

    Bug Report (image not working for uploading)

    it was fixed when i was banned im pritty sure
  7. Ava Fox

    Bug Report (crash happend and lost props that where down)

    na i had to re craft my plantes and no prop back 12 hours later
  8. Ava Fox

    Bug Report (crash happend and lost props that where down)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: crash happend and lost props that where down How to reproduce the Bug: i dont know as it was out of my control Time Stamp: 20:00 Errors: none i lost prop that where down at parker building list 5 : large barricades 8 ...
  9. Ava Fox

    Bug Report (image not working for uploading)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: image not working for uploading How to reproduce the Bug: upload a image to ingur and get the png link and pot in try uploading it. Time Stamp: 4.00 am-9.12am Errors: just basicly a erro thing say image not found Media...
  10. Ava Fox

    is money/items wipeing when v6 comeing

    how do you knows
  11. Ava Fox

    is money/items wipeing when v6 comeing

    i was just wondering if the money going to wipe when v6 comes.
  12. Ava Fox

    Refund Request (ZuHo)

  13. Ava Fox

    Refund Request (ZuHo)

    Your Steam Name: ZuHo Your Roleplay Name: Ava fox Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:547600629 Reason for Request: I was trying to store it in my inventory box and it stay in my q menu and i try to drop it on the floor and it dident work so i disconnected from the server and i join back my q menu was...
  14. Ava Fox

    Ban Apology (Bnjemann)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Bnjemann How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month Your Steam Name: Ava Fox Your Roleplay Name: ava fox Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:547600629 Why were you...