Recent content by Aylin Blvck

  1. Aylin Blvck

    Alles gute zum Geburtstag !!!

    Alles gute zum Geburtstag !!!
  2. Aylin Blvck

    gZ bby <3

    gZ bby <3
  3. Aylin Blvck

    Happy birthday !!!

    Happy birthday !!!
  4. Aylin Blvck

    Post the flag of your County/Province/State

  5. Aylin Blvck

    He Is cheating so pls be careful :D

    He Is cheating so pls be careful :D
  6. Aylin Blvck

    kkk ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    kkk ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  7. Aylin Blvck

    They are always "camping" xD <3

    They are always "camping" xD <3
  8. Aylin Blvck

    btw the L115 Is am AWM /desc *Collier gets triggered :P*

    btw the L115 Is am AWM /desc *Collier gets triggered :P*
  9. Aylin Blvck

    Thats cause of his "GF" also called right hand xd love ya <3

    Thats cause of his "GF" also called right hand xd love ya <3
  10. Aylin Blvck

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  11. Aylin Blvck

    Alles gute zum bday bro <3

    Alles gute zum bday bro <3
  12. Aylin Blvck

    TS now thank you

    TS now thank you
  13. Aylin Blvck

    Yeah and I had 20 sec.

    Yeah and I had 20 sec.
  14. Aylin Blvck

    Ty but I really thought a /me and /desc Is understandebal for a Moderator/Captain and one LT + I...

    Ty but I really thought a /me and /desc Is understandebal for a Moderator/Captain and one LT + I needed to be fast so I had no other option xD <3
  15. Aylin Blvck

    Les Reines Applications

    Posting for John Nowikow Out of character information: Steam Name: Age (you don't have to disclose this): 16 nearly 17 Playtime: 1 day but overall 1000 hours garrysmod In character information: Name:John Nowikow Age: 29 Firearms Level: 1 Vehicle(s):None Notable organisations...