Fr, I am sadly not doing allat just for some extra pvp which isn't even a guarantee. This will just lead to less motivation. The perks are also too good imo to be done to fast.
So you repeteadly have to grind up for eg level 48 and the day you get it for example, thats the day it gets reset. This isn't really a good suggestion Imo..
Can't call an org a zerg when we are at most 4-5 on per time. The only reason we are in numbers is because we get random flankers that help us "cleanup" And or assist in raiding. And if I am one of the people, I craft lol so 3-4 people actively raiding/>crim
There is no glazing, if legacy weren’t number 1 then of course. But the reality is we are 1# combat ( i think havent been on). But Parabellum and MiP are best allround with all their members active but active MiP is also very good(BTD dead ash)
Your Steam Name: Baba Won
Your Roleplay Name: Baba Won
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Reason for Request: I would like to request a refund for my basic planters. The logs show this, @Sean had taken an earlier report in which my 2 planters where placed and soon after 1 was returned. A1L...