Recent content by billie

  1. billie

    I believe that could be a possibility.

    I believe that could be a possibility.
  2. billie

    Seeing as the corrupt "Perphead Government" seem the need to delete my representation of my...

    Seeing as the corrupt "Perphead Government" seem the need to delete my representation of my client I will type it here. If this message is deleted then they clearly are corrupt and do NOT respect your freedom. (First Amendment). I hereby declare/plead the fifth on behalf of my client on all...
  3. billie

    In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, Mikael Snorting...

    In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, Mikael Snorting does not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, Mikael Snorting does not know how he is here, probably added by a third party, Mikael Snorting...