Recent content by BillySavery

  1. BillySavery

    Hello it is I

    Hello it is I
  2. BillySavery

    Again Again Again

    Again Again Again
  3. BillySavery

    Thou Hath

    Thou Hath
  4. BillySavery

    AR For Breaking 3.21

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Billy Savery / Billy Belinsky His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Wayne Wacky & Freeman Johnson (Don't know their Steam ID's or OOC) His/Her SteamID: Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was robbed/kidnapped and had my apartments blown up in the middle of the night after we...
  5. BillySavery

    Am Correct

    Am Correct
  6. BillySavery

    Hallo, it is am me, this website is still poop

    Hallo, it is am me, this website is still poop
  7. BillySavery

    AR on SlayerDuck

    My Name: Billy Belinsky. OOC Name: SlayerDuck IC Name: Joe Baggers. Reason for AR: Ran me over for no reason, check the demo. Would prefer my MP5 refunded but if not no worries. Tick: Not sure but it is right at the end of the video. Demo...
  8. BillySavery

    Favourite Youtuber

    DanielFromSL is fucking brilliant with his trolling videos. VideoGameDunkey. BedBananas. BarbaricMustard. DiplexHeated. BlueDrake42. NadeShot. Used to watch Seananners and GamingLemon.
  9. BillySavery

    An Explanation

    Photoshopped. Not interested in this fraud anymore. I request a demotion.
  10. BillySavery

    A revival of the previous post.

    Ewwww a 20 year old fishing for attention on the internet.
  11. BillySavery

    Miss you too pudding.

    Miss you too pudding.
  12. BillySavery

    I remember you

    I remember you
  13. BillySavery

    Teemo 2.1 4.1

    How do you know he was going to cause a shoot out? He could have just been illegally transporting a weapon or already going to a shoot out? You can't just assume. Jared reversing on the highway is reckless driving which is certainly not a reason to start shooting him. Plus what Walker said...
  14. BillySavery

    Something that's been on my mind lately.

    You deserve an oscar. Also you were warned by @MrLewis at least 3 times that he was going to ban if you carried on which you did.
  15. BillySavery

    Hahha I know

    Hahha I know