Suggestion Title: Secret service tool "Metal" detecting wand
Suggestion Description: A wand that u can right click at a person and see if they have any weapons on them.
Goes through quick animation of waving it at them.
Why should this be added?:
Good alternative instead of metal detectors...
Type of Bug: Map
Description of the Bug: Cornfield street lose control when driving with firetruck bug
How to reproduce the Bug: Driving over the road when it goes from pavement to dirt.
Seems to happen often with the firetruck. I have multiple videos of it happening below.
It has gotten so...
I like the idea if they made it a job for the drivers test as an instructor.
So people have to prove they know the street signs and the laws.
All the downvotes are people who run every stop sign and redlight even when they aren't doing any criminal activities. "Which is the only reason u...
Im with ya on this one for players that prefer to stay in 1st person.
I dont understand all the downvotes as you are 1st person on foot.
Great idea to have a toggle for it. When you are looking behind in 3rd person you aren't looking forward which people dont seem to understand and it causes...
Thanks for commenting on my post as if you didnt it would probably float away in the forums lol small things like this actually is huge for the server. People notice but dont mention.
Thank you for mentioning all of this! What i noticed through a test i did one night is that i can pull over on the road after the off ramp towards the suburbs/farm and i get a bunch of fires in the farm and woods for a while not far from me. Still takes a while though between fires...., but when...