Recent content by blobvis 2.0

  1. blobvis 2.0

    It's time to give back the godstick and enjoy life.

    It's time to give back the godstick and enjoy life.
  2. blobvis 2.0

    Community Suggestion Monthly Q&A For Update Demand

    I heavily disagree with this, I do not trust the community enough. Where as I perceive the best updates to be around furniture, map and things that improve RP, majority on this server just cares about money so anything like cheaper guns to improved drugsystem will pop up the easiest. Take a...
  3. blobvis 2.0

    I love cheese

    Welcome, you are definitely Dutch.
  4. blobvis 2.0

    Event Suggestion Poker Tournament

    If only you were on a roleplay server where you could organise this yourself, find people or reach out to let's say community managers or helpers that would love to help if your idea is well thought out. I am very against the fact as having it as an "event" though like gungame etc as it would...
  5. blobvis 2.0

    I froze and it happened before it lets me turn but i cant move.

    Yeah, and your RAM amount? HDD or SSD? how much space is left on those discs? Are you running anything next to it e.g. steam overlay, other things on the background? Do u have a lot of subscription in your workshop for gmod? A download/upload speed doesnt state consistency, its a point in...
  6. blobvis 2.0

    I froze and it happened before it lets me turn but i cant move.

    Most plausible is a potato PC or internet issues ngl Also do u play on the x64 version?
  7. blobvis 2.0

    Refund Request (Baba)

    @sza returned the gun to 6tens, resolved over discord
  8. blobvis 2.0

    Refund Request (Pen Piza)

    based on the logs you picked up the ak-47 2 minutes later? (I assume based on the video there is a timestamp of around 11:45PM gmt+2) Pen LizaSTEAM_0:1:208937479Player picked up their AK-47 (184646393) at The Office Feb 7, 2025 11:47:35 PM Pen LizaSTEAM_0:1:208937479Player dropped AK-47...
  9. blobvis 2.0

    Refund Request (DaBiggestShit)

    Apologies for the delay, I was not aware of this refund request. Make a ticket ingame for the following items and include the thread link: 1x ak-101 (176435105) 1x ak-101 stock 1x 5.56x45mm Magazine (Ak-101) 1x red-dot sight AK-101 (176435105) (vanished with a permanent ban for alting in that...
  10. blobvis 2.0

    Ban Dispute (headline)

    Just for your information, the following warrant (based of the DNA below) got set that most likely causing your arrest: Police DNA Upload added by another Officer for: Critically injured Courier Shane Winter. Victim was conscious at time of DNA upload. Body found at Harbour Lane in the Business...
  11. blobvis 2.0

    Ban Apology (blobvis 2.0)

    Don't let me regret this apology. ;) This promise will be put in the unban notes to ensure compliance for future rulebreak.
  12. blobvis 2.0

    Ban Apology (blobvis 2.0)

    How can I ensure you will not do this again? You have done this a total of 8 times, are you willing to accept a deal where you will be unbanned now and if rule 3.20 is broken again to accept a ban of atleast a year along with a statement that no apology will be accepted before atleast 1 year...
  13. blobvis 2.0

    Why wont my imgur be accepted?

    Must be the flag of Poland
  14. blobvis 2.0

    Refund Request (Tomasz Szelbi)

    Turns out it was not bugged but rather was confiscated by Cody Abrams (Skippy). Apologies. for future reference: Player confiscated AI AS50 (183408999) at Shopping Centre belonging to Tomasz Szelbi (STEAM_0:1:604252451)
  15. blobvis 2.0

    Refund Request (Idontknow..?)

    The gun never vanished due to a bug but was rather picked up by another player. For future reference: Player picked up AI AS50 (185050506) at Bank Parking lot belonging to Idontknow..?