Recent content by Bow

  1. Bow

    Goodbye From Dommy & Aaron

    I remember the good'old times when I used to hang out with these lads.. Sad to see you leave boys.
  2. Bow

    First Montage

    That's some nice editing for a first montage
  3. Bow

    Share your bad jokes

    What's the difference between a man and a squirrel? a squirrel cracks his nuts or a rock, and a man rocks his nuts on a crack.
  4. Bow

    Thoughts about the future?

    Sounds casual and scary, yet so true.
  5. Bow

    Inside Job 101

    *When your own topic backfires at you*
  6. Bow

    I think it's time.

    I remember ErmakDimon since back in the day. Sad to see it coming to this stage.
  7. Bow

    The Ducatti - Applications

    Must be aged fourteen or older: ✓ Must have at least one week of playtime: ✓ Must have a non-private steam profile: ✓ Must have a decent microphone: ✓ Must have at least: $90,000: ✓ Must own a 'decent' vehicle: ✓ Name: Evaric Bishop Money in Bank: 2mil Car(s) Owned: Hammar - Saving for...
  8. Bow

    Paralake Mocro's

    I'm from Morocco, and I've actually lost it when I read the first rank on the list. gj
  9. Bow

    The Avito

    Oh I remember the Avito. The good'old times.
  10. Bow

    Aaron Doman - MrAaron enforcer application

    Aaron changed speaking honestly. He's not that guy anymore that shouts like a 12 year old, nor that guy you give him keys to your new car later to find it inside someone's butt hole. He changed a lot, He is always calm and chill with the current event. Give the guy a medal. P.S: Still can't...
  11. Bow

    I think I did well

    Oh man I miss the silver matches. I'll send ya an IP of a good server where you can boost your skills in pistol, I mean 1 tap 1 head shot m8... You'll be amazing them all, well some even might call you a hacker lol.
  12. Bow

  13. Bow

    Le SkinHeads

    I would really love to see that, shame that the good orgs died; the ones that don't fear war or minor conflicts. Really pissed me off one time when I was part of an org that got 15+ member in which the leader got scared when a small org of priests attacked him to a point where he disbanded...
  14. Bow

    Increase jail time

    This is serious role play and by that not every feature added should be beneficial to the players. I'm totally for increasing jail time to 15 mins+ as long as there is a small note for all officers that shows them how much time should be spent in jail for every law broken by the criminal. as an...
  15. Bow

    [SOLVED] Gmod Crashing hulp

    You got a tough case to be honest, so try to put your Gmod option to high (default) many people think other wise so basically they set them to low while disabling shadows, the thing that can ruin your game. Also try to look into google as I found some good solutions. Also try deleting all your...