Recent content by Calum Camorra

  1. Calum Camorra


  2. Calum Camorra

    Kaleem's Goodbye.

    imagine being unbanned smh my head
  3. Calum Camorra


  4. Calum Camorra

    ty my man, sorry for the late response

    ty my man, sorry for the late response
  5. Calum Camorra


  6. Calum Camorra

    Goodbye (For abit)

    bruh still aint back
  7. Calum Camorra

    Kaleem's Goodbye.

    Well, zecrazyMohammadMan was banned earlier today or last night cba to check. Defended the orange dudes. Rest In piss
  8. Calum Camorra

    Kaleem's Goodbye.

    the weed has been smoken
  9. Calum Camorra

    Goodbye (For abit)

    As probably none of you know im Azzam Mohammad. I feel like now is the best time for me to break from perp for 1-2 months. My education is the primary reason for me leaving but i also feel with the recent events that now is probably a good time for a break. Add on steam if you really need more...
  10. Calum Camorra

    inb4ban Perpheads Forums - Error This user's profile is not available.

    inb4ban Perpheads Forums - Error This user's profile is not available.
  11. Calum Camorra

    He will never be forgotten. David lives on in our hearts and minds and anus

    He will never be forgotten. David lives on in our hearts and minds and anus
  12. Calum Camorra

    ChAnGe It ThEn

    ChAnGe It ThEn
  13. Calum Camorra

    i dislike what you wear IG

    i dislike what you wear IG
  14. Calum Camorra

    WAGWAN Applications

    OOC Steam name :Calum_ Age :16 IC Name : Azzam Mohammed Firearms level : 20 Cars that you own : Toyota Supra, Upgraded Marksmanship : Rifle 26, Pistol 21, Shotgun 6 and SMG 9 Working on my skills currently, bought alot of ammo for it
  15. Calum Camorra

    PERPHeads is perfect

    Well then, now i know why i was shot i guess