Recent content by captain

  1. captain

    Ban Apology (Captain)

    You can take some time to review our server rules.
  2. captain

    Action Request (Andii)

    The player will receive a ban from the server for 3.4 due to this action request. Earlier today, they also decided to report their vehicle as stolen (when it wasn't), just to initiate a pursuit and ended up dying and getting arrested. User has been banned for 1 week for the offense.
  3. captain

    Action Request (Andii)

  4. captain

    Ban Apology (captain)

    Please review the rules before reconnecting to the server.
  5. captain

    Ban Apology (captain)

    You're lying. You fully intended to prop push another vehicle. I watched you do it after initially speaking with you. You can wait this ban out.
  6. captain

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Your behavior was completely uncalled for. You clearly did not care about what you were saying or the punishment you were going to be issued. Conduct violations are taken very seriously, and due to the length of your ban, it will need to be reviewed by the Administrator team.
  7. captain

    well deserved! congratulations

    well deserved! congratulations
  8. captain


  9. captain

    Action Request (John)

    The user will be issued a warning to their record for the offense committed, provided that they coordinate a refund with the player affected by their actions.
  10. captain

    Action Request (Bark Smoothy)

    I have attempted to reach out to the user via Steam and have not received any replies from them. The user does not have a forum account, therefore I am unable to receive their side of the story. Based on the evidence you have provided, it is clear that they had no reason to puncture your tires...
  11. captain

    Action Request (John)

    Sorry for the delay in reviewing your action request. I have reached out to the user for comment and will provide an update here as soon as possible.
  12. captain

    Action Request (Unknown)

    The player has been banned from the server for 4 days and received a blacklist for 1 week for the offense: 4.3, 3.20 - The player decided to enter a crime scene to tow a police vehicle without authorization and then disconnected while in custody.
  13. captain

    Action Request (Unknown)

    Reviewing this now and will provide an update momentarily.
  14. captain

    Action Request (Waffleman :D)

    Player will receive a 2 day ban for the offense. This was handled in-game.
  15. captain

    Action Request (Waffleman :D)
