Recent content by cardstarvipe

  1. cardstarvipe


  2. cardstarvipe

    Phone textures

    nvm fixed
  3. cardstarvipe

    Phone textures

    pls fix idfk how to do it ive reinstalled the workshop content still doesn't work i have CSS
  4. cardstarvipe

    Guilty Pleasure Playlist

  5. cardstarvipe

    Update Log - 24/07/2019

    Do YoU eVeN sTiLl PlAy AnYmOrE
  6. cardstarvipe

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

    part 1 is better but ok
  7. cardstarvipe


  8. cardstarvipe

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL] all lil peep songs cba to list Meet me at
  9. cardstarvipe

    Help me (league of legends)

    Added you currently S4 0LP 1 loss away from another demote i actually cant
  10. cardstarvipe

    Help me (league of legends)

    For the love of god help me im trying to get gold but my teams are actually fucking retards without any fucking game sense and im losing my mind went from S3 60 LP to S4 10 LP
  11. cardstarvipe

    500K+VIP Giveaway - Ended

    STEAM_0:1:82479983 Please can use <3 dont leave
  12. cardstarvipe

    3 Month VIP Giveaway!!!

    Cardstarvipe STEAM_1:1:82479983
  13. cardstarvipe

    Happy Mandyversary - All my videos

    Victoria has some fucking pepperoni nipples tbfh