Recent content by Cluxer

  1. Cluxer

    Recommendation of Riekelt

    Just wanted to say thanks for handling the sitation about the SWAT raid so nicely Once again thanks @Riekelt, you're a great mod, hope to see more of your kind ingame -Cluxer
  2. Cluxer

    Royal British Mafia

    Sent Application
  3. Cluxer

    Get the number of raids down

    Hi guys :D As you can se on my profile i'm new here... Even though i already have 28 hours on the server :P But i still want to improve the server My problem is the following: When you are new to the server you just want some money to start off with. This is not possible because every F*******...
  4. Cluxer

    The Newbie

  5. Cluxer

    Reconsideration: Delivery man

    Because of mugging and fuel money you often lose money on being delivery man!
  6. Cluxer

    Cluxer's Intro

    Hi fellow roleplayers! I'm Thor (Cluxer ingame, RP name: Jeff jhonson) I started playing PERPHEADS 3 days ago and i already love it. In fact i loved it so much that i decided to donate yesterday. Everybody seems nice and tries to improve an already amazing community server. I already got great...
  7. Cluxer

    PassiveRP - Discussion

    I think the only fix to this is to make passiverp more proffitable!