Recent content by Di Blasio Elio™

  1. Di Blasio Elio™


  2. Di Blasio Elio™

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    -Steam Name: Gijs_ -Age (OOC): 16 -Are YOU Active?: Yes, im almost evryday online -Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:148904706 -Total playtime: almost 19 days -Are you a VIP: Yes (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Gijs Falcon -List of all cars you own: Beetle i'm saving up for the aston martin v12 or the...
  3. Di Blasio Elio™

    The Madrazo Cartel - Applications

    OOC Information- Steam Name: Gijs_ Age: 16 IC Information- Name: Gijs Falcon Current Balance (money): 90k > 1,8 mil worth of drugs < Vehicles: Beetle Organization History: Williams & Co, The familly Skills/talents: Aim is very good, im good with KOS, Raiding and defending. Reason for wanting...
  4. Di Blasio Elio™

    Pulling a gun under gun point

    I was trying to mug people at the suburbs drug dealer, At 1 moment Suspine came in and he claims he wasn't under gun point. I was yelling to him get down, get down. But instead of getting down he pulled a gun at me; At the moment i took my gun from save to mode, i started telling him to get...
  5. Di Blasio Elio™

    Mossberg OP ?

    Whahahhahhaaa, Best of all is that Jay knew I was going to steal it :laughcry: