Recent content by DisarmingHorse

  1. DisarmingHorse

    Refund Request (DisarmingHorse)

    Your Steam Name: DisarmingHorse Your Roleplay Name: Raphael Auras Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:78050434 Reason for Request: Guy Killed me while i was trying to gunpoint an officer, he was not...
  2. DisarmingHorse

    Refund Request (DisarmingHorse)

    Your Steam Name: DisarmingHorse Your Roleplay Name: Raphael Auras Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:78050434 Reason for Request: Roadcrew driving on the wrong side of the road totalling my car Requested Items: 2500$ dollar for repair + 7200$ for the paint so 9700$ in total its a BMW M6 Evidence Type...
  3. DisarmingHorse

    What kebab do you guys like?

    Adana Kebap
  4. DisarmingHorse

    Refund Request (DisarmingHorse)

    Your Steam Name: DisarmingHorse Your Roleplay Name: Raphael Auras Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:78050434 Reason for Request: I got RDM'd and police confiscated my gun Requested Items: 1xAk-74U; 1xAK-74U Magazine (Full); 1x Red Dot Sight; 1xAK-74U Stock Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff...