Recent content by DocBerry

  1. DocBerry

    Murtsley Industries Application Form

    Title: Mr. First Name: Douglas Surname: Cranberry Nationality: American Date of Birth: 11/9/1985 Education (Degree and University - If applicable): Some mild collage knowledge. Time spent in Paralake (Total Playtime): 7 days (But I know I've been around longer then that) Financial Situation...
  2. DocBerry

    Gmod shutting down while trying to join the server.

    Do this, (Because this happens to me sometimes) Go into SP and manual start the map Rp_Paralakev3 - After it loads walk around a bit then load into the server without shutting off SP.. tell me if it loads.
  3. DocBerry

    Gmod shutting down while trying to join the server.

    When you say "Crash" do you mean you get a windows error message? any error message? or dose it just shut off?
  4. DocBerry

    Ban Request 3.4

    -Support As Bully said, you became pre-occupied with the second person. He risked his life to defend himself while you where distracted.
  5. DocBerry

    Every Cop In PERP

    No, this is every cop in the server when there's a raid/bank robbery/mis-panic *Scroll to 1:08
  6. DocBerry

    Know your guns [Sidearms]

    Ahoy has a good knack at making these gun info videos, I have picked out the ones that we see in the server. Knowing a bit more about your sidearm might expand knowledge about it a bit. *The MP5 was added because it can be hidden while in the server (Like a sidearm) If you guys enjoy...
  7. DocBerry

    Ban Request on George Yuvach

    +Support I had to gun down George, after he opened fired on me first and I asked him to stop twice.
  8. DocBerry

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Selling Premium Your Steam Name: DocBerry Your Roleplay name: Douglas Cranberry Selling Price (In-game money): 69k - 30 days / 98k - 90 days / 250k - 180 days Still selling (Please update how many left you can sell, or if you are still or still not selling): 6 Copies of any for the month of...
  9. DocBerry

    Abraham Williams

    + Support How did these two even past the test to get access to this job? If I was online I would of been more then happy to help take these two down..
  10. DocBerry

    Isaac Sope

    + Support - This is my POV of what happend:
  11. DocBerry

    SWAT Van Update v2.0

    +Support We have so many nicely modeled cars in the server. It's time we drop the "black box" that looks like something out of GTA-IV
  12. DocBerry

    A New Senior Administrator

    Congrats @ MoronPipllyd, Yes.. I have a weird way of celebrating..,
  13. DocBerry


    Tried to tow a car as roadcrew, the hook spazed out and smashed a full sized sedan to my face.
  14. DocBerry

    SWAT Gets Boned

    Is that really still going on? Ben had a huge hard on for taking down that fortress.
  15. DocBerry

    Ban Request - Luke Person (killing over ticket)

    +Support - was there, saw the entire thing. had no reason to kill you. was also killed by Matt while I surrendered during a Fear RP . No demo because I turn off recording after 2 hours of no action.