Recent content by Doggy

  1. Doggy

    CS:GO Tournament!

    Count me in, I don't really have a team (yet) but I am GNM so ya.
  2. Doggy

    31/10/2014 - Server Update

    Good job guys, can't wait to check it out!
  3. Doggy

    Car Deathmatch - Colouring in the Grey area.

    Nice guide, will be useful to explain to some people how the laws of CDM stand.
  4. Doggy

    I think its time to call quits.

    Sad to see you leave Pepitoz, even though we had our run ins, it was resolved quickly enough! Won't forget your upper class business man impersonation and thanks for the 2 times mention. Have fun with whatever you decide to do next and be sure to say hi on Teamspeak every so often!
  5. Doggy

    SWAT Test

    I agree with something like this. Two times in the past 3 days, the SWAT have ended up raiding me for no reason because they are too incompetent to remember which apartment they are called to. The first time, I rang the police because I was getting raided, when the raiders heard the sirens they...
  6. Doggy

    What The Heck?

    Fredy has contacted the host, the server is due to go down at 14:40 BST for about 20 minutes
  7. Doggy

    Upcoming Server Update

    Just thought of a really quick thing that doesn't need it's own thread: Making Metal Detectors ALT + E to pick up. I find myself and many other people accidentally picking them up when trying to open doors. It would be practical in my opinion for it to be ALT + E!
  8. Doggy

    Mixture Info

    I think they should show all the time because me as well as others would probably want to know what they will be able to craft. Because I am not exactly sure when I will unlock new mixtures, I don't want to waste time, money and effort guessing at what I might unlock next. Being able to see what...
  9. Doggy

    The Belinsky Family Applications (Open)

    OOC Name: Doggy IC Name: Ollie Barnett IC Age: 26 Country: United Kingdom What are your best abilities: I would like to think I am a excellent driver as well as having precision accuracy, give me any gun and I will blow their head off - Not a shot would be missed. My communication with others is...
  10. Doggy

    Managed to mention the name of every staff member in a prank call

    This did make me laugh a little, good job at keeping your laughter contained haha!
  11. Doggy

    The Crew PC

    I am unsure whether I am going to buy this. I am heavily into sim racing games but not so much arcade style games. I'm going to wait until it comes out before I decide!
  12. Doggy

    Upcoming Server Update

    One thing I am looking forward to the most is the indicators. I love that kind of stuff.
  13. Doggy

    Player ID system

    This is kinda similar to the idea that I was creating for my roleplay gamemode. Bare with me here: My idea was that every body has 'ID' pehaps an 'ID Card' as a SWEP. If a player has not given you their ID, their roleplay name above their head is greyed out, meaning you don't recognise them...
  14. Doggy

    Getting a new headset

    I use a Roccat Kave solid 5.1 surround sound headset and I must say the directional sound is on a whole new level with these. When playing CSGO it feels like I am using wallhack! The bass is outstanding too! The whole headset vibrates. The only thing I don't like about it is that it is heavy and...
  15. Doggy

    The Introduction of Doggy

    Hello, my name is Doggy, I'm 15 and from the UK. A little background info about me! I have been playing Garry's Mod for about 4 years now, 3.5 of those years being PERP! I started off on PERP 2/3 (can't remember) on a long gone dead community (Integral Gaming I think it was called), it was...