Recent content by Dom_

  1. Dom_

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Results!

    Barely play crim anymore and still giving you a run for your money, gg
  2. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Foregrip

    Was about to say this, recoil doesn't need to be reduced, improved ADS speed or movement speed while ADS would be cool.
  3. Dom_

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    Damn I guess it's finally time to get a crosshair....
  4. Dom_

    I've missed you Jay, hope to see you soon mate!

    I've missed you Jay, hope to see you soon mate!
  5. Dom_

    Bon Voyage!

    Holy shit he's free!
  6. Dom_

    Bon Voyage!

    A very wholesome goodbye, I hope you do not trip down any steep and long flights of stairs on your travels and you can always find the cold side of the pillow. Farewell chum, o7
  7. Dom_


  8. Dom_

    Server Suggestion crowbar pity system

    I personally haven't had this problem, I just don't think a lot of people know that walking away from the door during the animation prevents it from opening/reduces the chances. Stand next to the door, don't alt sprint away during it and you're in 9/10 times.
  9. Dom_


  10. Dom_

    Monke in Paradize [MiP]

    Bro's movement needs to be studied
  11. Dom_

    Staff issue

    This is all I read of your reply and I'm ready to vote for you for president of the United States.
  12. Dom_

    Staff issue

    Have you not heard? ASDA disbanded!
  13. Dom_

    Randy-Franks Heisenberg petition

    I don't want to sigh
  14. Dom_

    Randy-Franks Heisenberg petition

    Are you talking about yourself in the third-person?