Recent content by dr.alex

  1. dr.alex


  2. dr.alex

    Refund Request (dr.alex)

    Your Steam Name: dr.alex Your Roleplay Name: Bobby Boiling Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:577075099 Reason for Request: I lost my gun because someone tried to mug me at DD when i had my gun out. Requested Items: SW-500 Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Mxdium
  3. dr.alex


  4. dr.alex

    Action Request (Bottom G)

  5. dr.alex

    Action Request (Bottom G)

    Your Steam Name: dr.alex Your Roleplay Name: Duke Money-ford Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:577075099 Player's Steam Name: Bottom G Player's Roleplay Name: Jamal Stone Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:501758558 Why should this player be punished?: I was a cop responding to raid at Projex when he...
  6. dr.alex

    Refund Request (dr.alex)

    Your Steam Name: dr.alex Your Roleplay Name: Duke Money-Ford Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:577075099 Reason for Request: My car got tierd by a taxi driving on the wrong side of the highway. Requested Items: 1x AK-47 1x Tier 1 Wreck Repair Price: $29,600 For McLaren P1 Evidence Type...
  7. dr.alex

    Refund Request (dr.alex)

    Your Steam Name: dr.alex Your Roleplay Name: Bobby Boiling Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:577075099 Reason for Request: The player was driving on the wrong side of the highway causing me to tier my car. Requested Items: 1x Audi R8 Tier 1 Wreck Repair Price: $27,600 Evidence Type: Authorised...
  8. dr.alex

    Action Request (Unknown)

    Your Steam Name: dr.alex Your Roleplay Name: Bobby Boiling Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:577075099 Player's Steam Name: zeNiioN Player's Roleplay Name: Zenon Mayweather Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34902047 Why should this player be punished?: The player stole the car and was fleeing from cops when...
  9. dr.alex

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  10. dr.alex

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  11. dr.alex

    Action Request (BIGJIMMY69)

    U was already in the car when I pulled you over.
  12. dr.alex

    Action Request (BIGJIMMY69)

    The second clip is the one where i did /me and he refused to get it out.
  13. dr.alex

    Action Request (BIGJIMMY69)

    You where illegally transporting.
  14. dr.alex

    Action Request (BIGJIMMY69)

    Your Steam Name: dr.alex Your Roleplay Name: Ajani Azan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:577075099 Player's Steam Name: BIGJIMMY69 Player's Roleplay Name: Wayne Grant Player's SteamID: Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 and 3.26 The player broke gun point when i...
  15. dr.alex

    Refund Request (dr.alex)

    Your Steam Name: dr.alex Your Roleplay Name: Bobby Boiling Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:577075099 Reason for Request: I lost my gun because a cop decided to confiscate it whilst the raid was still ongoing and won. -Gun id 175384066 Requested Items: 1xHK MP7, 1x MP7 40X mag, 1x pistol reflex...