Recent content by EiPUS

  1. EiPUS

    Let that sink in

    Let that sink in
  2. EiPUS

    ginger guy is back! pog

    ginger guy is back! pog
  3. EiPUS

    Is the AK 101 stock the better stock?

    Yea, as I told you the 101 is better
  4. EiPUS

    man that's a sad day

    man that's a sad day
  5. EiPUS

    M26C Taser

  6. EiPUS

    M26C Taser

  7. EiPUS

    M26C Taser

  8. EiPUS

    [PLN] PLPD war on crime and drugs

    Thing is you guys did nothing, @Jenga just did it all.
  9. EiPUS

    Server Suggestion Ally communication system

    I think this should be added, what's the point of organization alliance when you can't communicate in anyway. (phone call between one another just doesn't work). Would be used a lot.
  10. EiPUS

    Could you tag me when you post the montage please? Thanks!

    Could you tag me when you post the montage please? Thanks!
  11. EiPUS

    Refund Request @Hayden

    Your in-game name: Tatsumaki Tachibana Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73368631 What do you need refunded: Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Got minge grabbed during a raid. Evidence: @Hayden...
  12. EiPUS

    Bye Bye Everyone

    Hope to see you hop on ts sometime Frankling, I'll miss you big time. Best of luck in the future!
  13. EiPUS

    Bye everyone

    Hmar I will miss you :( Hope you still join teamspeak to chill
  14. EiPUS

    THE clip of ETS2 That got me banned

    Conyo boy come here to enjoy! Looks hella fun xDD
  15. EiPUS

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Tatsumaki Tachibana Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73368631 What do you need refunded: Colt M4A1, Comp, Holo and loaded mag. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Got minge grabbed during a raid. Evidence: @Shay told me to make a refund request and tag him Tick: N/A